get_gbi {spatsoc}R Documentation

Generate group by individual matrix


get_gbi generates a group by individual matrix. The function accepts a data.table with individual identifiers and a group column. The group by individual matrix can then be used to build a network using asnipe::get_network.


get_gbi(DT = NULL, group = "group", id = NULL)



input data.table


Character string of group column (generated from one of spatsoc's spatial grouping functions)


Character string of ID column name


The DT must be a data.table. If your data is a data.frame, you can convert it by reference using data.table::setDT.

The group argument expects the name of a column which corresponds to an integer group identifier (generated by spatsoc's grouping functions).

The id argument expects the name of a column which corresponds to the individual identifier.


get_gbi returns a group by individual matrix (columns represent individuals and rows represent groups).

Note that get_gbi is identical in function for turning the outputs of spatsoc into social networks as asnipe::get_group_by_individual but is more efficient thanks to data.table::dcast.

See Also

group_pts group_lines group_polys

Other Social network tools: randomizations()


# Load data.table

# Read example data
DT <- fread(system.file("extdata", "DT.csv", package = "spatsoc"))

# Cast the character column to POSIXct
DT[, datetime := as.POSIXct(datetime, tz = 'UTC')]
DT[, yr := year(datetime)]

# EPSG code for example data
utm <- 'EPSG:32736'

group_polys(DT, area = FALSE, hrType = 'mcp',
            hrParams = list(percent = 95),
            projection = utm, id = 'ID', coords = c('X', 'Y'),
            splitBy = 'yr')

gbiMtrx <- get_gbi(DT = DT, group = 'group', id = 'ID')

[Package spatsoc version 0.2.2 Index]