spatial_block_cv {spatialsample}R Documentation

Spatial block cross-validation


Block cross-validation splits the area of your data into a number of grid cells, or "blocks", and then assigns all data into folds based on the blocks their centroid falls into.


  method = c("random", "snake", "continuous"),
  v = 10,
  relevant_only = TRUE,
  radius = NULL,
  buffer = NULL,
  repeats = 1,
  expand_bbox = 1e-05



An object of class sf or sfc.


The method used to sample blocks for cross validation folds. Currently supports "random", which randomly assigns blocks to folds, "snake", which labels the first row of blocks from left to right, then the next from right to left, and repeats from there, and "continuous", which labels each row from left to right, moving from the bottom row up.


The number of partitions for the resampling. Set to NULL or Inf for the maximum sensible value (for leave-one-X-out cross-validation).


For systematic sampling, should only blocks containing data be included in fold labeling?


Numeric: points within this distance of the initially-selected test points will be assigned to the assessment set. If NULL, no radius is applied.


Numeric: points within this distance of any point in the test set (after radius is applied) will be assigned to neither the analysis or assessment set. If NULL, no buffer is applied.


Arguments passed to sf::st_make_grid().


The number of times to repeat the V-fold partitioning.


A numeric of length 1, representing a proportion to expand the bounding box of data by before building a grid. Without this expansion, grids built from data in geographic coordinates may exclude observations and grids built from regularly spaced data might have observations fall exactly on the boundary between folds, duplicating them. In spatialsample < 0.5.0, this was 0.00001 for data in a geographic CRS and 0 for data in a planar CRS. In spatialsample >= 0.5.0, this is 0.00001 for all data.


The grid blocks can be controlled by passing arguments to sf::st_make_grid() via .... Some particularly useful arguments include:

If both cellsize and n are provided, then the number of blocks requested by n of sizes specified by cellsize will be returned, likely not lining up with the bounding box of data. If only cellsize is provided, this function will return as many blocks of size cellsize as fit inside the bounding box of data. If only n is provided, then cellsize will be automatically adjusted to create the requested number of cells.


A tibble with classes spatial_block_cv, spatial_rset, rset, tbl_df, tbl, and data.frame. The results include a column for the data split objects and an identification variable id.


D. R. Roberts, V. Bahn, S. Ciuti, M. S. Boyce, J. Elith, G. Guillera-Arroita, S. Hauenstein, J. J. Lahoz-Monfort, B. Schröder, W. Thuiller, D. I. Warton, B. A. Wintle, F. Hartig, and C. F. Dormann. "Cross-validation strategies for data with temporal, spatial, hierarchical, or phylogenetic structure," 2016, Ecography 40(8), pp. 913-929, doi: 10.1111/ecog.02881.


spatial_block_cv(boston_canopy, v = 3)

[Package spatialsample version 0.5.1 Index]