the_feature_engineer {spatialRF}R Documentation

Suggest variable interactions and composite features for random forest models


Suggests candidate variable interactions and composite features able to improve predictive accuracy over data not used to train the model via spatial cross-validation with rf_evaluate(). For a pair of predictors a and b, interactions are build via multiplication (a * b), while composite features are built by extracting the first factor of a principal component analysis performed with pca(), after rescaling a and b between 1 and 100. Interactions and composite features are named a..x..b and a..pca..b respectively.

Candidate variables a and b are selected from those predictors in predictor.variable.names with a variable importance above importance.threshold (set by default to the median of the importance scores).

For each interaction and composite feature, a model including all the predictors plus the interaction or composite feature is fitted, and it's R squared (or AUC if the response is binary) computed via spatial cross-validation (see rf_evaluate()) is compared with the R squared of the model without interactions or composite features.

From all the potential interactions screened, only those with a positive increase in R squared (or AUC when the response is binomial) of the model, a variable importance above the median, and a maximum correlation among themselves and with the predictors in predictor.variable.names not higher than cor.threshold (set to 0.5 by default) are selected. Such a restrictive set of rules ensures that the selected interactions can be used right away for modeling purposes without increasing model complexity unnecessarily. However, the suggested variable interactions might not make sense from a domain expertise standpoint, so please, examine them with care.

The function returns the criteria used to select the interactions, and the data required to use these interactions a model.


  data = NULL, = NULL,
  predictor.variable.names = NULL,
  xy = NULL,
  ranger.arguments = NULL,
  repetitions = 30,
  training.fraction = 0.75,
  importance.threshold = 0.75,
  cor.threshold = 0.75,
  point.color = viridis::viridis(100, option = "F", alpha = 0.8),
  seed = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  n.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
  cluster = NULL



Data frame with a response variable and a set of predictors. Default: NULL

Character string with the name of the response variable. Must be in the column names of data. If the dependent variable is binary with values 1 and 0, the argument case.weights of ranger is populated by the function case_weights(). Default: NULL


Character vector with the names of the predictive variables, or object of class "variable_selection" produced by auto_vif() and/or auto_cor(). Every element of this vector must be in the column names of data. Default: NULL


Data frame or matrix with two columns containing coordinates and named "x" and "y". If not provided, the comparison between models with and without variable interactions is not done.


Named list with ranger arguments (other arguments of this function can also go here). All ranger arguments are set to their default values except for 'importance', that is set to 'permutation' rather than 'none'. Please, consult the help file of ranger if you are not familiar with the arguments of this function.


Integer, number of spatial folds to use during cross-validation. Must be lower than the total number of rows available in the model's data. Default: 30


Proportion between 0.5 and 0.9 indicating the proportion of records to be used as training set during spatial cross-validation. Default: 0.75


Numeric between 0 and 1, quantile of variable importance scores over which to select individual predictors to explore interactions among them. Larger values reduce the number of potential interactions explored. Default: 0.75


Numeric, maximum Pearson correlation between any pair of the selected interactions, and between any interaction and the predictors in predictor.variable.names. Default: 0.75


Colors of the plotted points. Can be a single color name (e.g. "red4"), a character vector with hexadecimal codes (e.g. "#440154FF" "#21908CFF" "#FDE725FF"), or function generating a palette (e.g. viridis::viridis(100)). Default: viridis::viridis(100, option = "F", alpha = 0.8)


Integer, random seed to facilitate reproduciblity. If set to a given number, the results of the function are always the same. Default: NULL


Logical. If TRUE, messages and plots generated during the execution of the function are displayed. Default: TRUE


Integer, number of cores to use for parallel execution. Creates a socket cluster with parallel::makeCluster(), runs operations in parallel with foreach and ⁠%dopar%⁠, and stops the cluster with parallel::clusterStop() when the job is done. Default: parallel::detectCores() - 1


A cluster definition generated with parallel::makeCluster(). If provided, overrides n.cores. When cluster = NULL (default value), and model is provided, the cluster in model, if any, is used instead. If this cluster is NULL, then the function uses n.cores instead. The function does not stop a provided cluster, so it should be stopped with parallel::stopCluster() afterwards. The cluster definition is stored in the output list under the name "cluster" so it can be passed to other functions via the model argument, or using the ⁠%>%⁠ pipe. Default: NULL


A list with seven slots:



 #load example data

 new.features <- the_feature_engineer(
   data = plant_richness_df, = "richness_species_vascular",
   predictor.variable.names = colnames(plant_richness_df)[5:21],
   n.cores = 1,
   verbose = TRUE



[Package spatialRF version 1.1.4 Index]