Graph Edge Computations for Spatial Point Patterns

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Documentation for package ‘spatgraphs’ version 3.4

Help Pages

adj2sg sgadj to sg Class creator
as.sgadj Creator for sgadj-class
as.sgc Creator for sgc cut edges
edgeLengths Edge lengths
is_sg verify class sg Plot a spatial graph
plot.sgadj plot sgadj
plot.sgc plot clusters
plot.sgspectral plot spectral clustering results
plot3_sg Plot 3d graph Print method for sg
print.sgadj print method for sgadj
print.sgc sgc print method
prune_sg Prune a graph
remove_nodes Remove edges connected to certain nodes
sg2adj sg to sgadj
sg2dxf sg to dxf format
sg2igraph sg to igraph
sg2sparse Make a sparse adjacency matrix from sg-object
sg2sym Symmetrisation of sg adjacency matrix wrapper for 1way and 2way symmetrisation
sg2wadj weighted sg to weighted adjacency matrix
sg_parse_coordinates Parse input for coordinates
sg_verify_parameters Verify input parameters for the graph
shortestPath shortest path on the graph
sparse2sg Make an sg-object from adjacency matrix
spatcluster Compute the connected components of a graph
spatgraph Compute the edges of a spatial graph
spectral_sg spectral clustering sg summary
summary.sgc sgc summary Transpose sg object
t.sgadj Transpose sgadj object
weight_sg Set weights to edges of sg