innov.spec {spate} | R Documentation |
Spectrum of the innovation term epsilon.
Spectrum of the innovation term epsilon.
wave |
Spatial wavenumbers. |
n |
Number of grid points on each axis. n x n is the total number of spatial points. |
ns |
Number of real Fourier functions that have only a cosine and no sine term. 'ns' is maximal 4. |
rho0 |
Range of the Matern covariance funtion for the innovation term epsilon |
sigma2 |
Marginal variance of the Matern covariance funtion for the innovation term epsilon |
zeta |
Damping parameter |
rho1 |
Range parameter of the diffusion term |
alpha |
Parameter that determines the direction of anisotropy in the diffusion term |
gamma |
Parameter that determines the amount of anisotropy in the diffusion term |
nu |
Smoothness parameter of the Matern covariance function for the innovations. By default, this equals 1 corresponding to the Whittle covariance function. |
dt |
Temporal lag between two time points. By default, this equals 1. |
norm |
logical; if 'TRUE' the spectrum is multiplied by n*n so that after applying the real Fourier transform 'real.FFT' one has the correct normalization. |
Vector with the spectrum of the integrated innovation term epsilon hat.
Fabio Sigrist
n <- 100
spec <- innov.spec(wave=spate.init(n=n,T=1)$wave,n=n,rho0=0.05,sigma2=0.5,zeta=0.5,
sim <- real.fft(sqrt(spec)*rnorm(n*n),n=n,inv=FALSE)
image(1:n,1:n,matrix(sim,nrow=n),main="Sample from the integrated
stochastic innovation",xlab="",ylab="",col=cols())