fitVAR {sparsevar} | R Documentation |
Multivariate VAR estimation
A function to estimate a (possibly high-dimensional)
multivariate VAR time series using penalized least squares methods,
such as ENET, SCAD or MC+.
fitVAR(data, p = 1, penalty = "ENET", method = "cv", ...)
data |
the data from the time series: variables in columns and
observations in rows
p |
order of the VAR model
penalty |
the penalty function to use. Possible values
are "ENET" , "SCAD" or "MCP"
method |
possible values are "cv" or "timeSlice"
... |
the options for the estimation. Global options are:
threshold : if TRUE all the entries smaller than the oracle
threshold are set to zero;
scale : scale the data (default = FALSE)?
nfolds : the number of folds used for cross validation (default = 10);
parallel : if TRUE use multicore backend (default = FALSE);
ncores : if parallel is TRUE , specify the number
of cores to use for parallel evaluation. Options for ENET estimation:
alpha : the value of alpha to use in elastic net
(0 is Ridge regression, 1 is LASSO (default));
type.measure : the measure to use for error evaluation
("mse" or "mae" );
nlambda : the number of lambdas to use in the cross
validation (default = 100);
leaveOut : in the time slice validation leave out the
last leaveOutLast observations (default = 15);
horizon : the horizon to use for estimating mse/mae (default = 1);
picasso : use picasso package for estimation (only available
for penalty = "SCAD" and method = "timeSlice" ).
the list (of length p
) of the estimated matrices
of the process
the results of the penalized LS estimation
the mean square error of the cross validation
elapsed time for the estimation
the time series of the residuals
sparsevar version 0.1.0