SSGL {sparseGAM}R Documentation

Spike-and-Slab Group Lasso Regression


This is a stand-alone function for group-regularized regression models in the exponential dispersion family with the spike-and-slab group lasso (SSGL) penalty. Let yiy_i denote the iith response and xix_i denote a pp-dimensional vector of covariates. We fit models of the form,

g(E(yi))=β0+xiTβ,i=1,...,n,g(E(y_i)) = \beta_0 + x_i^T \beta, i = 1, ..., n,

where gg is a monotone increasing link function. The identity link function is used for Gaussian regression, the logit link is used for binomial regression, and the log link is used for Poisson, negative binomial, and gamma regression.

If the covariates in each xix_i are grouped according to known groups g=1,...,Gg=1, ..., G, then this function may estimate some of the GG groups of coefficients as all zero, depending on the amount of regularization.

Another implementation of the SSGL model for Gaussian regression models is available on Github at This package sparseGAM also implements the SSGL model for binomial, Poisson, negative binomial, and gamma regression.


SSGL(y, X, X.test, groups, 
     nb.size=1, gamma.shape=1, weights, nlambda0=20, lambda0, lambda1, a, b, 
     max.iter=100, tol = 1e-6, print.iter=TRUE) 



n×1n \times 1 vector of responses for training data.


n×pn \times p design matrix for training data, where the jjth column of X corresponds to the jjth overall covariate.


ntest×pn_{test} \times p design matrix for test data to calculate predictions. X.test must have the same number of columns as X, but not necessarily the same number of rows. If no test data is provided or if in-sample predictions are desired, then the function automatically sets X.test=X in order to calculate in-sample predictions.


pp-dimensional vector of group labels. The jjth entry in groups should contain either the group number or the name of the factor level that the jjth covariate belongs to. groups must be either a vector of integers or factors.


exponential dispersion family. Allows for "gaussian", "binomial", "poisson", "negativebinomial", and "gamma". Note that for "negativebinomial", the size parameter must be specified, while for "gamma", the shape parameter must be specified.


known size parameter α\alpha in NB(α,μi)NB(\alpha,\mu_i) distribution for the negative binomial responses. Default is nb.size=1. Ignored if family is not "negativebinomial".


known shape parameter ν\nu in Gamma(μi,ν)Gamma(\mu_i,\nu) distribution for gamma responses. Default is gamma.shape=1. Ignored if family is not "gamma".


group-specific, nonnegative weights for the penalty. Default is to use the square roots of the group sizes.


number of spike hyperparameters LL. Default is nlambda0=20.


grid of LL spike hyperparameters λ0\lambda_0. The user may specify either a scalar or a vector. If the user does not provide this, the program chooses the grid automatically.


slab hyperparameter λ1\lambda_1 in the SSGL prior. Default is lambda1=1.


shape hyperparameter for the Beta(a,b)Beta(a,b) prior on the mixing proportion in the SSGL prior. Default is a=1.


shape hyperparameter for the Beta(a,b)Beta(a,b) prior on the mixing proportion in the SSGL prior. Default is b=dim(X)[2].


maximum number of iterations in the algorithm. Default is max.iter=100.


convergence threshold for algorithm. Default is tol=1e-6.


Boolean variable for whether or not to print the current nlambda0 in the algorithm. Default is print.iter=TRUE.


The function returns a list containing the following components:


L×1L \times 1 vector of spike hyperpameters lambda0 used to fit the model. lambda0 is displayed in descending order.


L×1L \times 1 vector of estimated intercepts. The kkth entry in beta0 corresponds to the kkth spike hyperparameter in lambda0.


p×Lp \times L matrix of estimated regression coefficients. The kkth column in beta corresponds to the kkth spike hyperparameter in lambda0.


ntest×Ln_{test} \times L matrix of predicted mean response values μtest=E(Ytest)\mu_{test} = E(Y_{test}) based on the test data in X.test (or training data X if no argument was specified forX.test). The kkth column in mu.pred corresponds to the predictions for the kkth spike hyperparameter in lambda0.


G×LG \times L matrix of classifications, where GG is the number of groups. An entry of "1" indicates that the group was classified as nonzero, and an entry of "0" indicates that the group was classified as zero. The kkth column of classifications corresponds to the kkth spike hyperparameter in lambda0.


vector of either the residual sum of squares ("gaussian") or the negative log-likelihood ("binomial", "poisson", "negativebinomial", "gamma") of the fitted model. The kkth entry in loss corresponds to the kkth spike hyperparameter in lambda0.


Bai R. (2021). "Spike-and-slab group lasso for consistent Bayesian estimation and variable selection in non-Gaussian generalized additive models." arXiv pre-print arXiv:2007.07021.

Bai, R., Moran, G. E., Antonelli, J. L., Chen, Y., and Boland, M.R. (2021). "Spike-and-slab group lassos for grouped regression and sparse generalized additive models." Journal of the American Statistical Association, in press.


## Generate data
X = matrix(runif(100*10), nrow=100)
n = dim(X)[1]
groups = c("A","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","D","D")
groups = as.factor(groups)
true.beta = c(-2.5,1.5,1.5,0,0,0,2,-2,0,0)

## Generate responses from Gaussian distribution
y = crossprod(t(X),true.beta) + rnorm(n)

## Generate test data
n.test = 50
X.test = matrix(runif(n.test*10), nrow=n.test)

## Fit SSGL model with 10 spike hyperparameters
## Note that if user does not specify lambda0, the SSGL function chooses a grid automatically.

SSGL.mod = SSGL(y, X, X.test, groups, family="gaussian", lambda0=seq(from=50,to=5,by=-5))

## Regression coefficient estimates

# Predicted n.test-dimensional vectors mu=E(Y.test) based on test data, X.test. 
# The kth column of 'mu.pred' corresponds to the kth entry in 'lambda.'

# Classifications of the 8 groups. The kth column of 'classifications'
# corresponds to the kth entry in 'lambda.'

## Example with binomial regression

## Generate binary responses
eta = crossprod(t(X), true.beta)
y = rbinom(n, size=1, prob=1/(1+exp(-eta)))

## Fit SSGL model with 10 spike hyperparameters
## Note that if user does not specify lambda0, the SSGL function chooses a grid automatically.

SSGL.mod = SSGL(y, X, X.test, groups, family="binomial", 

## Predicted probabilities of success mu=E(Y.test) based on test data, X.test

## Classifications of the 8 groups. 

[Package sparseGAM version 1.0 Index]