Estimate Dynamic Factor Models with Sparse Loadings

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Documentation for package ‘sparseDFM’ version 1.0

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exports UK Trade in Goods (Exports) Dataset
fillNA Interpolation of missing data
fitted.sparseDFM sparseDFM Residuals and Fitted Values
inflation UK Inflation Dataset
kalmanMultivariate Classic Multivariate KFS Equations
kalmanUnivariate Univariate filtering (sequential processing) for fast KFS
logspace logspace
missing_data_plot Plot the missing data in a data matrix/frame
plot.sparseDFM sparseDFM Plot Outputs
predict.sparseDFM Forecasting factor estimates and data series.
print.sparseDFM sparseDFM Summary Outputs
print.sparseDFM_forecast Forecasting factor estimates and data series.
raggedEdge Generate a ragged edge structure for a data matrix
resid.sparseDFM sparseDFM Residuals and Fitted Values
residuals.sparseDFM sparseDFM Residuals and Fitted Values
sparseDFM Estimate a Sparse Dynamic Factor Model
summary.sparseDFM sparseDFM Summary Outputs
transformData Transform data to make it stationary
tuneFactors Tune for the number of factors to use