summarize_corr {sparklyr.flint}R Documentation

Correlation summarizer


Compute pairwise correations among the list of columns specified and store results in new columns named with the following pattern: '<column1>_<column2>_correlation' and '<column1>_<column2>_correlationTStat', where column1 and column2 are names of any 2 distinct columns


summarize_corr(ts_rdd, columns, key_columns = list(), incremental = FALSE)



Timeseries RDD being summarized


A list of column names


Optional list of columns that will form an equivalence relation associating each record with the time series it belongs to (i.e., any 2 records having equal values in those columns will be associated with the same time series, and any 2 records having differing values in those columns are considered to be from 2 separate time series and will therefore be summarized separately) By default, 'key_colums' is empty and all records are considered to be part of a single time series.


If FALSE and 'key_columns' is empty, then apply the summarizer to all records of 'ts_rdd'. If FALSE and 'key_columns' is non-empty, then apply the summarizer to all records within each group determined by 'key_columns'. If TRUE and 'key_columns' is empty, then for each record in 'ts_rdd', the summarizer is applied to that record and all records preceding it, and the summarized result is associated with the timestamp of that record. If TRUE and 'key_columns' is non-empty, then for each record within a group of records determined by 1 or more key columns, the summarizer is applied to that record and all records preceding it within its group, and the summarized result is associated with the timestamp of that record.


A TimeSeriesRDD containing the summarized result

See Also

Other summarizers: ols_regression(), summarize_avg(), summarize_corr2(), summarize_count(), summarize_covar(), summarize_dot_product(), summarize_ema_half_life(), summarize_ewma(), summarize_geometric_mean(), summarize_kurtosis(), summarize_max(), summarize_min(), summarize_nth_central_moment(), summarize_nth_moment(), summarize_product(), summarize_quantile(), summarize_skewness(), summarize_stddev(), summarize_sum(), summarize_var(), summarize_weighted_avg(), summarize_weighted_corr(), summarize_weighted_covar(), summarize_z_score()



sc <- try_spark_connect(master = "local")

if (!is.null(sc)) {
  sdf <- copy_to(sc, tibble::tibble(t = seq(10), u = rnorm(10), v = rnorm(10)))
  ts <- fromSDF(sdf, is_sorted = TRUE, time_unit = "SECONDS", time_column = "t")
  ts_corr <- summarize_corr(ts, columns = c("u", "v"))
} else {
  message("Unable to establish a Spark connection!")

[Package sparklyr.flint version 0.2.2 Index]