ols_regression {sparklyr.flint}R Documentation

OLS regression


Ordinary least squares regression


  weight = NULL,
  has_intercept = TRUE,
  ignore_const_vars = FALSE,
  const_var_threshold = 1e-12



Timeseries RDD containing dependent and independent variables


An object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class) which symbolically describes the model to be fitted, with the left-hand-side being the column name of the dependent variable, and the right-hand-side being column name(s) of independent variable(s) delimited by '+', e.g., 'mpg ~ hp + weight + am' for predicting 'mpg' based on 'hp', 'weight' and 'am'


Name of the weight column if performing a weighted OLS regression, or NULL if otherwise. Default: NULL.


Whether to include an intercept term (default: TRUE). If FALSE, then the resulting regression plane will always pass through the origin.


Whether to ignore independent variables that are constant or nearly constant based on const_threshold (default: FALSE). If TRUE, the scalar fields of regression result are the same as if the constant variables are not included as independent variables. The output beta, tStat, stdErr columns will still have the same dimension number of elements as the number of independent variables. However, entries corresponding to independent variables that are considered constant will have 0.0 for beta and stdErr; and Double.NaN for tStat. If FALSE and at least one independent variable is considered constant, the regression will output Double.NaN for all values. Note that if there are multiple independent variables that can be considered constant and if the resulting model should have an intercept term, then it is recommended to set both ignore_const_vars and has_intercept to TRUE.


Consider an independent variable 'x' as constant if ((number of observations) * variance(x)) is less than this value. Default: 1e-12.


A TimeSeries RDD with the following schema: * - "samples": [[LongType]], the number of samples * - "beta": [[ArrayType]] of [[DoubleType]], beta without the intercept component * - "intercept": [[DoubleType]], the intercept * - "hasIntercept": [[BooleanType]], whether the model has an intercept term * - "stdErr_intercept": [[DoubleType]], the standard error of the intercept * - "stdErr_beta": [[ArrayType]] of [[DoubleType]], the standard error of beta * - "rSquared": [[DoubleType]], the r-squared statistics * - "r": [[DoubleType]], the squared root of r-squared statistics * - "tStat_intercept": [[DoubleType]], the t-stats of the intercept * - "tStat_beta": [[ArrayType]] of [[DoubleType]], the t-stats of beta * - "logLikelihood": [[DoubleType]], the log-likelihood of the data given the fitted betas * - "akaikeIC": [[DoubleType]], the Akaike information criterion * - "bayesIC": [[DoubleType]], the Bayes information criterion * - "cond": [[DoubleType]], the condition number of the Gram matrix X^TX where X is the matrix formed by row vectors of independent variables (including a constant entry corresponding to the intercept if 'has_intercept' is TRUE) * - "const_columns": [[ArrayType]] of [[StringType]], the list of independent variables that are considered constants

See Also

Other summarizers: summarize_avg(), summarize_corr2(), summarize_corr(), summarize_count(), summarize_covar(), summarize_dot_product(), summarize_ema_half_life(), summarize_ewma(), summarize_geometric_mean(), summarize_kurtosis(), summarize_max(), summarize_min(), summarize_nth_central_moment(), summarize_nth_moment(), summarize_product(), summarize_quantile(), summarize_skewness(), summarize_stddev(), summarize_sum(), summarize_var(), summarize_weighted_avg(), summarize_weighted_corr(), summarize_weighted_covar(), summarize_z_score()



sc <- try_spark_connect(master = "local")

if (!is.null(sc)) {
  mtcars_sdf <- copy_to(sc, mtcars, overwrite = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(time = 0L)
  mtcars_ts <- from_sdf(mtcars_sdf, is_sorted = TRUE, time_unit = "SECONDS")
  model <- ols_regression(
    mtcars_ts, mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp + drat + wt + vs + am + gear + carb
  ) %>%
} else {
  message("Unable to establish a Spark connection!")

[Package sparklyr.flint version 0.2.2 Index]