Basic TransferFunctions {spacesRGB}R Documentation

Basic TransferFunctions


sRGB.EOTF the standardized sRGB transfer function
BT.709.EOTF the standardized BT.709 transfer function
BT.2020.EOTF the standardized BT.2020 transfer function
ProPhotoRGB.EOTF the standardized ProPhotoRGB transfer function
SMPTE.240M.EOTF the standardized SMPTE-240M transfer function


All of these are built-in TransferFunction objects; they have no parameters and are ready-to-go. All are EOTFs and have domain and range the interval [0,1], and all are monotone increasing. All are defined in 2 pieces, with a linear segment near 0. All are easily inverted.


Wikipedia. sRGB.

BT.709. Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange. June 2015.

BT.2020. Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange. October 2015.

Wikipedia. ProPhoto RGB.

ANSI/SMPTE 240M-1995. SMPTE STANDARD for Television Signal Parameters 1125-Line High-Definition Production Systems.

See Also



# make plot comparing 5 EOTFs
colvec	= c('black','red','blue','green','orange')
plot( sRGB.EOTF, color=colvec[1], main="The Basic 5 EOTFs" )
plot( BT.709.EOTF, color=colvec[2], add=TRUE )
plot( BT.2020.EOTF, color=colvec[3], add=TRUE )
plot( ProPhotoRGB.EOTF, color=colvec[4], add=TRUE )
plot( SMPTE.240M.EOTF, color=colvec[5], add=TRUE )
legend( 'topleft', legend=c('sRGB','BT.709','BT.2020','ProPhotoRGB','SMPTE.240M'), 
             col=colvec, bty='n', lty=1, lwd=2 )

[Package spacesRGB version 1.5-0 Index]