Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Modelling

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Documentation for package ‘spTimer’ version 3.3.2

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spTimer-package Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Modelling using R
confint.spT Credible intervals for model parameters.
fitted.spT Extract model fitted values.
NYdata Observations of ozone concentration levels, maximum temperature and wind speed.
NYgrid Observations of ozone concentration levels, maximum temperature and wind speed.
plot.spT Plots for spTimer output.
predict.spT Spatial and temporal predictions for the spatio-temporal models.
spT.decay Choice for sampling spatial decay parameter phi.
spT.geo.dist Geodetic/geodesic Distance
spT.geodist Geodetic/geodesic Distance
spT.geo_dist Geodetic/geodesic Distance
spT.Gibbs MCMC sampling for the spatio-temporal models.
spT.grid.coords Grid Coordinates
spT.initials Initial values for the spatio-temporal models.
spT.pCOVER Nominal Coverage
spT.priors Priors for the spatio-temporal models.
spT.segment.plot Utility plot for prediction/forecast
spT.subset Select a subset of Spatial data.
spT.time Timer series information.
spT.validation Validation Commands
spT.validation2 Validation Commands
spTimer Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Modelling using R
summary.spT Summary statistics of the parameters.