Spatially Varying and Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Linear Models

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Documentation for package ‘spTDyn’ version 2.0.2

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spTDyn-package Spatially varying and spatio-temporal dynamic linear models
decay Choice for sampling spatial decay parameter phi.
def.time Timer series information.
GibbsDyn MCMC sampling for the models.
gridTodata Combining observation and nearest grid locations and data.
initials Initial values for the spatio-temporal models.
ObsGridData Combining observation and nearest grid locations and data.
ObsGridLoc Combining observation and nearest grid locations and data.
plot.spTD Plots for spTDyn output.
predict.spTD Spatial and temporal predictions for the spatio-temporal models.
priors Priors for the spatio-temporal models.
sp Defining spatially varying coefficients in the formula
spTDyn Spatially varying and spatio-temporal dynamic linear models
summary.spTD Summary statistics of the parameters.
tp Defining dynamic time-series coefficients in the formula