spCopulaCoxph {spBayesSurv} | R Documentation |
Marginal Bayesian Proportional Hazards Model via Spatial Copula
This function fits a marginal Bayesian proportional hazards model (Zhou, Hanson and Zhang, 2018) for point-referenced right censored time-to-event data.
spCopulaCoxph(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL,
mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500),
prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE,
Coordinates, DIST=NULL, Knots=NULL)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
prediction |
a list giving the information used to obtain conditional inferences. The list includes the following elements: |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. See Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for more detailed hyperprior specifications. |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate wheter the design matrix X will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
Coordinates |
an n by 2 coordinates matrix, where n is the sample size, 2 is the dimension of coordiantes. Note all cocordinates should be distinct. |
This is a function argument, used to calculate the distance. The default is Euclidean distance ( |
Knots |
an nknots by 2 matrix, where nknots is the number of selected knots for FSA, and 2 is the dimension of each location. If |
This function fits a marginal Bayesian proportional hazards model (Zhou, Hanson and Zhang, 2018) for point-referenced right censored time-to-event data.
The spCopulaCoxph
object is a list containing at least the following components:
modelname |
the name of the fitted model |
terms |
the |
coefficients |
a named vector of coefficients. |
call |
the matched call |
prior |
the list of hyperparameters used in all priors. |
mcmc |
the list of MCMC parameters used |
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
p |
the number of columns in the model matrix |
Surv |
the |
X.scaled |
the n by p scaled design matrix |
X |
the n by p orginal design matrix |
beta |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
beta.scaled |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
theta |
the 2 by nsave matrix of posterior samples for sill and range parameters |
ratebeta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of beta coefficient vector |
ratetheta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of theta |
cpo |
the length n vector of the stabilized estiamte of CPO; used for calculating LPML |
Coordinates |
the |
Tpred |
the npred by nsave predicted survival times for covariates specified in the argument |
Zpred |
the npred by nsave predicted z values for covariates specified in the argument |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). spBayesSurv: Fitting Bayesian Spatial Survival Models Using R. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(9): 1-33.
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Knapp, R. (2015). Marginal Bayesian nonparametric model for time to disease arrival of threatened amphibian populations. Biometrics, 71(4): 1101-1110.
See Also
# A simulated data: spatial Copula Cox PH
## True parameters
betaT = c(1,1);
theta1 = 0.98; theta2 = 0.1;
n=50; npred=3; ntot = n+npred;
## Baseline Survival
f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5);
S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+
0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE))
## The Survival function:
Sioft = function(t,x) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)) ) ;
fioft = function(t,x) exp(sum(x*betaT))*f0oft(t)/S0oft(t)*Sioft(t,x);
Fioft = function(t,x) 1-Sioft(t,x);
## The inverse for Fioft
Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x)-u, lower=1e-100,
upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root
## generate coordinates:
## npred is the # of locations for prediction
ldist = 100; wdist = 40;
s1 = runif(ntot, 0, wdist); s2 = runif(ntot, 0, ldist);
s = cbind(s1,s2); #plot(s[,1], s[,2]);
## Covariance matrix
corT = matrix(1, ntot, ntot);
for (i in 1:(ntot-1)){
for (j in (i+1):ntot){
dij = sqrt(sum( (s[i,]-s[j,])^2 ));
corT[i,j] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij);
corT[j,i] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij);
## generate x
x1 = rbinom(ntot, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(ntot, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2);
## generate transformed log of survival times
z = MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, ntot), corT);
## generate survival times
u = pnorm(z);
tT = rep(0, ntot);
for (i in 1:ntot){
tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]);
### ----------- right-censored -------------###
Centime = runif(ntot, 2, 6);
delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ;
length(which(delta==0))/ntot; # censoring rate
rcen = which(delta==0);
t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time
## make a data frame
dtot = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT,
s1=s1, s2=s2);
## Hold out npred for prediction purpose
predindex = sample(1:ntot, npred);
dpred = dtot[predindex,];
d = dtot[-predindex,];
# Prediction settings
prediction = list(xpred=cbind(dpred$x1, dpred$x2),
spred=cbind(dpred$s1, dpred$s2));
# Independent Cox PH
# MCMC parameters
nburn=500; nsave=500; nskip=0;
# Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice.
mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000);
prior = list(M=10, r0=1, nknots=10, nblock=n);
# here nknots=10<n, so FSA will be used with nblock=n.
# As nknots is getting larger, the FSA is more accurate but slower
# As nblock is getting smaller, the FSA is more accurate but slower.
# In most applications, setting nblock=n works fine, which is the
# setting by not specifying nblock.
# If nknots is not specified or nknots=n, the exact covariance is used.
# Fit the Cox PH model
res1 = spCopulaCoxph(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1+x2, data=d,
prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, prediction=prediction,
Coordinates=cbind(d$s1,d$s2), Knots=NULL);
# here if prediction=NULL, prediction$xpred will be set as the design matrix
# in formula, and prediction$spred will be set as the Coordinates argument.
# Knots=NULL is the defualt setting, for which the knots will be generated
# using fields::cover.design() with number of knots equal to prior$nknots.
sfit1=summary(res1); sfit1;
mean((dpred$tT-apply(res1$Tpred, 1, median))^2);
## traceplot
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[1,]), main="beta1")
traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[2,]), main="beta2")
traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[1,]), main="sill")
traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[2,]), main="range")
## Curves
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,0.1);
xpred = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1));
plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);