GetCurves {spBayesSurv}R Documentation

Density, Survival, and Hazard Estimates


This function estimates density, survival, and hazard functions given covariates.


GetCurves(x, xnewdata, xtfnewdata, tgrid = NULL, ygrid = NULL, 
          frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'survregbayes'
plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, 
     frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'frailtyGAFT'
plot(x, xnewdata, xtfnewdata, tgrid = NULL, 
     frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'SuperSurvRegBayes'
plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'indeptCoxph'
plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'anovaDDP'
plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'spCopulaCoxph'
plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'spCopulaDDP'
plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'SpatDensReg'
plot(x, xnewdata, ygrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)



an object obtained from the functions survregbayes, frailtyGAFT, SuperSurvRegBayes, indeptCoxph, anovaDDP, spCopulaCoxph, spCopulaDDP and SpatDensReg.


A data frame in which to look for variables with which to obtain estimated curves.


A data frame in which to look for variables with which to obtain estimated curves, used only for frailtyGAFT.


a vector of grid points indicating where the curves will be estimated.


a vector of grid points indicating where the curves will be estimated, used only for SpatDensReg.


an optional matrix of posterior frailty values for survregbayes and frailtyGAFT, where the rows refer to clusters/regions and the number of columns is the length of thined MCMC chain. The default is to set frailties to be zero.


a numeric value indicating the level of credible interval.


a logical value indicating whether the estimated survival curves will be plotted.


further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


This function estimates density, survival, and hazard functions given covariates.


Use names to find out what they are, where fhat represents density, Shat represents survival, hhat represents hazard. The credible bands are also provided, e.g., Shatlow represents the lower band and Shatup represents the upper band.


Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson

See Also

survregbayes, frailtyGAFT, SuperSurvRegBayes, indeptCoxph, anovaDDP, spCopulaCoxph, spCopulaDDP and SpatDensReg

[Package spBayesSurv version 1.1.8 Index]