spDynLM {spBayes}R Documentation

Function for fitting univariate Bayesian dynamic space-time regression models


The function spDynLM fits Gaussian univariate Bayesian dynamic space-time regression models for settings where space is viewed as continuous but time is taken to be discrete.


spDynLM(formula, data = parent.frame(), coords, knots,
      starting, tuning, priors, cov.model, get.fitted=FALSE, 
      n.samples, verbose=TRUE, n.report=100, ...)



a list of NtN_t symbolic regression models to be fit. Each model represents a time step. See example below.


an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which spDynLM is called.


an n×2n \times 2 matrix of the observation coordinates in R2R^2 (e.g., easting and northing).


a list with each tag corresponding to a parameter name. Valid tags are beta, sigma.sq, tau.sq, phi, nu, and sigma.eta. The value portion of each tag is the parameter's starting value.


either a m×2m \times 2 matrix of the predictive process knot coordinates in R2R^2 (e.g., easting and northing) or a vector of length two or three with the first and second elements recording the number of columns and rows in the desired knot grid. The third, optional, element sets the offset of the outermost knots from the extent of the coords.


a list with each tag corresponding to a parameter name. Valid tags are phi and nu. The value portion of each tag defines the variance of the Metropolis sampler Normal proposal distribution.


a list with tags beta.0.norm, sigma.sq.ig, tau.sq.ig, phi.unif, nu.unif, and sigma.eta.iw. Variance parameters, simga.sq and tau.sq, are assumed to follow an inverse-Gamma distribution, whereas the spatial decay phi and smoothness nu parameters are assumed to follow Uniform distributions. The beta.0.norm is a multivariate Normal distribution with hyperparameters passed as a list of length two with the first and second elements corresponding to the mean vector and positive definite covariance matrix, respectively. The hyperparameters of the inverse-Wishart, sigma.eta.iw, are passed as a list of length two, with the first and second elements corresponding to the dfdf and p×pp\times p scale matrix, respectively. The inverse-Gamma hyperparameters are passed in a list with two vectors that hold the shape and scale, respectively. The Uniform hyperparameters are passed in a list with two vectors that hold the lower and upper support values, respectively.


a quoted keyword that specifies the covariance function used to model the spatial dependence structure among the observations. Supported covariance model key words are: "exponential", "matern", "spherical", and "gaussian". See below for details.


if TRUE, posterior predicted and fitted values are collected. Note, posterior predicted samples are only collected for those yt(s)y_t(s) that are NA.


the number of MCMC iterations.


if TRUE, model specification and progress of the sampler is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen.


the interval to report Metropolis sampler acceptance and MCMC progress.


currently no additional arguments.


Suppose, yt(s)y_t(s) denotes the observation at location ss and time tt. We model yt(s)y_t(s) through a measurement equation that provides a regression specification with a space-time varying intercept and serially and spatially uncorrelated zero-centered Gaussian disturbances as measurement error ϵt(s)\epsilon_t(s). Next a transition equation introduces a p×1p\times 1 coefficient vector, say βt\beta_t, which is a purely temporal component (i.e., time-varying regression parameters), and a spatio-temporal component ut(s)u_t(s). Both these are generated through transition equations, capturing their Markovian dependence in time. While the transition equation of the purely temporal component is akin to usual state-space modeling, the spatio-temporal component is generated using Gaussian spatial processes. The overall model is written as

yt(s)=xt(s)βt+ut(s)+ϵt(s),t=1,2,,Nty_t(s) = x_t(s)'\beta_t + u_t(s) + \epsilon_t(s), t=1,2,\ldots,N_t

ϵt(s)N(0,τt2)\epsilon_t(s) \sim N(0,\tau_{t}^2)

βt=βt1+ηt;ηtN(0,Ση)\beta_t = \beta_{t-1} + \eta_t; \eta_t \sim N(0,\Sigma_{\eta})

ut(s)=ut1(s)+wt(s);wt(s)GP(0,Ct(,θt))u_t(s) = u_{t-1}(s) + w_t(s); w_t(s) \sim GP(0, C_t(\cdot,\theta_t))

Here xt(s)x_t(s) is a p×1p\times 1 vector of predictors and βt\beta_t is a p×1p\times 1 vector of coefficients. In addition to an intercept, xt(s)x_t(s) can include location specific variables useful for explaining the variability in yt(s)y_t(s). The GP(0,Ct(,θt))GP(0, C_t(\cdot,\theta_t)) denotes a spatial Gaussian process with covariance function Ct(;θt)C_{t}(\cdot;\theta_t). We specify Ct(s1,s2;θt)=σt2ρ(s1,s2;ϕt)C_{t}(s_1,s_2;\theta_t)=\sigma_t^2\rho(s_1,s_2;\phi_t), where θt={σt2,ϕt,νt}\theta_t = \{\sigma_t^2,\phi_t,\nu_t\} and ρ(;ϕ)\rho(\cdot;\phi) is a correlation function with ϕ\phi controlling the correlation decay and σt2\sigma_t^2 represents the spatial variance component. The spatial smoothness parameter, ν\nu, is used if the Matern spatial correlation function is chosen. We further assume β0N(m0,Σ0)\beta_0 \sim N(m_0, \Sigma_0) and u0(s)0u_0(s) \equiv 0, which completes the prior specifications leading to a well-identified Bayesian hierarhical model and also yield reasonable dependence structures.


An object of class spDynLM, which is a list with the following tags:


the n×2n \times 2 matrix specified by coords.


a coda object of posterior samples for τt2\tau^2_t, σt2\sigma^2_t, ϕt\phi_t, νt\nu_t.


a coda object of posterior samples for β\beta at t=0t=0.


a coda object of posterior samples for βt\beta_t.


a coda object of posterior samples for Ση\Sigma_\eta.


a coda object of posterior samples for spatio-temporal random effects uu. Samples are over the columns and time steps increase in blocks of nn down the columns, e.g., the first nn rows correspond to locations 1,2,,n1,2, \ldots, n in t=1t=1 and the last nn rows correspond to locations 1,2,,n1,2, \ldots, n in t=Ntt=N_t.


a coda object of posterior samples for yy. If yt(s)y_t(s) is specified as NA the p.y.samples hold the associated posterior predictive samples. Samples are over the columns and time steps increase in blocks of nn down the columns, e.g., the first nn rows correspond to locations 1,2,,n1,2, \ldots, n in t=1t=1 and the last nn rows correspond to locations 1,2,,n1,2, \ldots, n in t=Ntt=N_t.

The return object might include additional data used for subsequent prediction and/or model fit evaluation.


Andrew O. Finley finleya@msu.edu,
Sudipto Banerjee baner009@umn.edu


Finley, A.O., S. Banerjee, and A.E. Gelfand. (2012) Bayesian dynamic modeling for large space-time datasets using Gaussian predictive processes. Journal of Geographical Systems, 14:29–47.

Finley, A.O., S. Banerjee, and A.E. Gelfand. (2015) spBayes for large univariate and multivariate point-referenced spatio-temporal data models. Journal of Statistical Software, 63:1–28. https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v063i13.

Gelfand, A.E., S. Banerjee, and D. Gamerman (2005) Spatial Process Modelling for Univariate and Multivariate Dynamic Spatial Data, Environmetrics, 16:465–479.

See Also



## Not run: 
ne.temp <- NETemp.dat


##take a chunk of New England
ne.temp <- ne.temp[ne.temp[,"UTMX"] > 5500000 & ne.temp[,"UTMY"] > 3000000,]

##subset first 2 years (Jan 2000 - Dec. 2002)
y.t <- ne.temp[,4:27]
N.t <- ncol(y.t) ##number of months
n <- nrow(y.t) ##number of observation per months

##add some missing observations to illistrate prediction
miss <- sample(1:N.t, 10)
holdout.station.id <- 5
y.t.holdout <- y.t[holdout.station.id, miss]
y.t[holdout.station.id, miss] <- NA

##scale to km
coords <- as.matrix(ne.temp[,c("UTMX", "UTMY")]/1000)
max.d <- max(iDist(coords))

##set starting and priors
p <- 2 #number of regression parameters in each month

starting <- list("beta"=rep(0,N.t*p), "phi"=rep(3/(0.5*max.d), N.t),
                 "sigma.sq"=rep(2,N.t), "tau.sq"=rep(1, N.t),
                 "sigma.eta"=diag(rep(0.01, p)))

tuning <- list("phi"=rep(5, N.t)) 

priors <- list("beta.0.Norm"=list(rep(0,p), diag(1000,p)),
               "phi.Unif"=list(rep(3/(0.9*max.d), N.t), rep(3/(0.05*max.d), N.t)),
               "sigma.sq.IG"=list(rep(2,N.t), rep(10,N.t)),
               "tau.sq.IG"=list(rep(2,N.t), rep(5,N.t)),
               "sigma.eta.IW"=list(2, diag(0.001,p)))

##make symbolic model formula statement for each month
mods <- lapply(paste(colnames(y.t),'elev',sep='~'), as.formula)

n.samples <- 2000

m.1 <- spDynLM(mods, data=cbind(y.t,ne.temp[,"elev",drop=FALSE]), coords=coords,
               starting=starting, tuning=tuning, priors=priors, get.fitted =TRUE,
               cov.model="exponential", n.samples=n.samples, n.report=25) 

burn.in <- floor(0.75*n.samples)

quant <- function(x){quantile(x, prob=c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975))}

beta <- apply(m.1$p.beta.samples[burn.in:n.samples,], 2, quant)
beta.0 <- beta[,grep("Intercept", colnames(beta))]
beta.1 <- beta[,grep("elev", colnames(beta))]


plot(1:N.t, beta.0[1,], pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="months", ylab="beta.0", ylim=range(beta.0))
arrows(1:N.t, beta.0[1,], 1:N.t, beta.0[3,], length=0.02, angle=90)
arrows(1:N.t, beta.0[1,], 1:N.t, beta.0[2,], length=0.02, angle=90)

plot(1:N.t, beta.1[1,], pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="months", ylab="beta.1", ylim=range(beta.1))
arrows(1:N.t, beta.1[1,], 1:N.t, beta.1[3,], length=0.02, angle=90)
arrows(1:N.t, beta.1[1,], 1:N.t, beta.1[2,], length=0.02, angle=90)

theta <- apply(m.1$p.theta.samples[burn.in:n.samples,], 2, quant)
sigma.sq <- theta[,grep("sigma.sq", colnames(theta))]
tau.sq <- theta[,grep("tau.sq", colnames(theta))]
phi <- theta[,grep("phi", colnames(theta))]

plot(1:N.t, sigma.sq[1,], pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="months", ylab="sigma.sq", ylim=range(sigma.sq))
arrows(1:N.t, sigma.sq[1,], 1:N.t, sigma.sq[3,], length=0.02, angle=90)
arrows(1:N.t, sigma.sq[1,], 1:N.t, sigma.sq[2,], length=0.02, angle=90)

plot(1:N.t, tau.sq[1,], pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="months", ylab="tau.sq", ylim=range(tau.sq))
arrows(1:N.t, tau.sq[1,], 1:N.t, tau.sq[3,], length=0.02, angle=90)
arrows(1:N.t, tau.sq[1,], 1:N.t, tau.sq[2,], length=0.02, angle=90)

plot(1:N.t, 3/phi[1,], pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="months", ylab="eff. range (km)", ylim=range(3/phi))
arrows(1:N.t, 3/phi[1,], 1:N.t, 3/phi[3,], length=0.02, angle=90)
arrows(1:N.t, 3/phi[1,], 1:N.t, 3/phi[2,], length=0.02, angle=90)

y.hat <- apply(m.1$p.y.samples[,burn.in:n.samples], 1, quant)
y.hat.med <- matrix(y.hat[1,], ncol=N.t)
y.hat.up <- matrix(y.hat[3,], ncol=N.t)
y.hat.low <- matrix(y.hat[2,], ncol=N.t)

y.obs <- as.vector(as.matrix(y.t[-holdout.station.id, -miss]))
y.obs.hat.med <- as.vector(y.hat.med[-holdout.station.id, -miss])
y.obs.hat.up <- as.vector(y.hat.up[-holdout.station.id, -miss])
y.obs.hat.low <- as.vector(y.hat.low[-holdout.station.id, -miss])

y.ho <- as.matrix(y.t.holdout)
y.ho.hat.med <- as.vector(y.hat.med[holdout.station.id, miss])
y.ho.hat.up <- as.vector(y.hat.up[holdout.station.id, miss])
y.ho.hat.low <- as.vector(y.hat.low[holdout.station.id, miss])

plot(y.obs, y.obs.hat.med, pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="observed",
ylab="fitted", main="Observed vs. fitted")
arrows(y.obs, y.obs.hat.med, y.obs, y.obs.hat.up, length=0.02, angle=90)
arrows(y.obs, y.obs.hat.med, y.obs, y.obs.hat.low, length=0.02, angle=90)
lines(-50:50, -50:50, col="blue")

plot(y.ho, y.ho.hat.med, pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="observed",
ylab="predicted", main="Observed vs. predicted")
arrows(y.ho, y.ho.hat.med, y.ho, y.ho.hat.up, length=0.02, angle=90)
arrows(y.ho, y.ho.hat.med, y.ho, y.ho.hat.low, length=0.02, angle=90)
lines(-50:50, -50:50, col="blue")

## End(Not run)

[Package spBayes version 0.4-7 Index]