sound-package {sound}R Documentation

A Sound Interface for R


Basic functions for dealing with wav files and sound samples.


The basic object of this package is a variable of the new class Sample with properties for

Sample objects can be created with the command as.Sample

sample <- as.Sample(sound,rate,bits)

where sound is the waveform matrix of the sample. Alternatively, one can use loadSample

sample <- loadSample(filename)

to load a wav-file on the hard disk and convert it into a Sample object. Similarly, one can save a Sample object as a wav-file, using saveSample



Matthias Heymann [aut], Stefan Langenberg [cre] (<>)

Maintainer: Stefan Langenberg <>


M. Heymann and M. Hansen, A new set of sound commands for R; Sonification of the HMC algorithm, in ASA Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section, pp. 1439-1443, 2002.

See Also

package tuneR.


   sample1 <- Sine(440, 10) # create a sin waveform sample with 440 Hz
   sample2 <- Sine(1000, 10) # create a sin waveform sample with 1000 Hz
   sample1 + sample2 # adding two waveforms
   appendSample(sample1, sample2) # merging waveforms

[Package sound version 1.4.6 Index]