PackageSummary {sos}R Documentation

Summarize findFn Results by Package


Returns a data.frame with one row for each package and columns Count = number of rows in the search results for that package, maxScore and totalScore = max and total score for help pages found from that package.


PackageSummary(x, sortby=NULL)



a data.frame with columns Package, Score, and Date.


a character vector specifying how the data.frame returned should be sorted. Default = c('Count', 'MaxScore', 'TotalScore', 'Package') to sort descending on numerics and ascending on alphanumerics. Specifying sortby = c('c', 't', 'm') is equivalent to c('Count', 'TotalScore', 'MaxScore', 'Package').

Components of sortby must match either this list or c('Score', 'Function', 'Date', 'Description', 'Link'). Any on this latter list are ignored without a warning. This allows the same sortby used for findFn to be used here.


1. Convert x['Package'] to character to automatically drop any unused levels of a factor.

2. Compute Count, TotalScore, and MaxScore.

3. Find the first occurrence of each Package, and use that to convert the Link to the first help page to pkgLink = a link for the package. For example, the Link to 'html' for help('c') is '', and pkgLink to the 'html' overview for 'base' is ''.

4. Assemble into a data.frame, sort and return.


a data.frame with one row for each package and columns Package, Count, MaxScore, TotalScore, Date, and pkgLink, sorted as specified by sortby.


Spencer Graves

See Also

RSiteSearch, findFn PackageSum2, packageSum


tstdf <- data.frame(Package=letters[c(1,1,2)], Score=2:4,
                    Date=LETTERS[1:3], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
tstdf$Link <- paste0('', 
    tstdf$Package, '/html/', letters[4:6], '.html')
tstSum <- PackageSummary(tstdf)
# The answer:
tstSm <- data.frame(Package=letters[1:2], Count=c(a=2, b=1),
    MaxScore=c(3, 4), TotalScore=c(5, 4), 
    Date=LETTERS[c(1, 3)], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
tstSm$pkgLink <- paste0('', 
    tstdf$Package[2:3], '/html/00Index.html')    
row.names(tstSm) <- 1:2

all.equal(tstSum, tstSm)

[Package sos version 2.1-8 Index]