Bioacoustic Analysis and Publication Tools

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Documentation for package ‘sonicscrewdriver’ version 0.0.6

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A B C D E F G H J L M N P R S T U V W Y Z misc

-- A --

ab_diel_traits Convert text times of day in audioblast traits to numeric values
ab_seqss_nearestStart Nearest start time
addProcess Add a process to a Tagged Wave or WaveMC object
addProcess-method Add a process to a Tagged Wave or WaveMC object
addSpectra Add two spectra from seewave
allChannels Apply a function to all channels of a Wave or WaveMC object
annotation Create a new Annotation object
Annotation-class A S4 class for annotations
audioblast Get data or analyses from audioBlast
audioblastDownload Download audio files from audioBlast
audiomothConfig Read AudioMoth configuration file
audiomothWave Read AudioMoth metadata from a wave file
audio_filesize Calculated size of raw audio files
autoBandPass Automatic Band Pass Filter

-- B --

bandpass Simple bandpass filter
beatComplexity Beat spectrum complexity
beatSpectrum Computes a beat spectrum
birdNetAnalyse Analyse sound files using BirdNET-Analyzer
birdNetInstall Install the BirdNET environment

-- C --

channels_se Channels for sound ecology
circularise Circularise a dataset
concat Concatenate two or more Wave-like objects.
concat-method Concatenate two or more Wave-like objects.
convert2bytes Convert bits to bytes
convert2Celsius Convert temperature to Celsius
convert2degrees Convert angle to degrees
convert2dyne_cm2 Convert pressure to dyne per square centimetre
convert2Fahrenheit Convert temperature to Fahrenheit
convert2Kelvin Convert temperature to Kelvin
convert2Pascals Convert pressure to Pascals
convert2radians Convert angle to radians
convert2seconds Convert time to seconds
corWaveMC Correlate channels in a WaveMC object
cutws Cut wave by samples

-- D --

data2Wave Convert data into a Wave object
dayPhase Phase of day
dayPhases Phases of day
daysPhases Phases of days
defaultCluster Create Default Cluster for Windowing
dielFraction Calculate the fraction of a day given by a value
dielHistogram Diel Histogram
dielLabels Generate labels for a diel plot
dielPlot Create a diel plot
dielPositions Generate positions of labels for a diel plot
dielRings Plot rings on a diel plot
dolbear Dolbear's law
dutyCycle Calculate the duty cycle of a wave

-- E --

emptyDiel Create an empty diel plot
emptyYearly Create an empty yearly plot
entropyStats Various measurements of frequency values for a Wave object

-- F --

filterWave Apply a WaveFilter object to a Wave object
frequencySound Get the frequency from wavelength and speed of sound
frequencyStats Various measurements of frequency values for a Wave object

-- G --

generateNoise Add noise to a Wave like object
generateTimeMask Generate time masked Wave-like objects
generateTimeShift Generated time-shifted versions of a Wave-like object
gs_transcribe Google Speech API Transcribe

-- H --

humanBytes Converts bytes in human readable form
humanTime Converts time to human readable form

-- J --

jitter Calculate the jitter in a Wave object

-- L --

labelPadding Pad labels with interval
labelReduction Combines labels which overlap into single continuous regions

-- M --

map2RGB Map three vectors to RGB

-- N --

naturalFrequency Calculate the natural frequency
ntd Natural Time Domain

-- P --

parseFilename Parse a filename
pd_dietrich2004 Pulse detection using Dietrich (2004)
pd_simple Simplified pulse detection using Dietrich (2004)
pseudoWave Create a PseudoWave object
PseudoWave-class An S4 class to represent a PseudoWave object that is converted to a Wave object when operated on.
pulse Generate a single pulse
pulseDetection Pulse detection
pulseIntervals Pulse intervals

-- R --

radarPower The radar equation
radarRange Radar range
radialPolygon Plot a radial polygon
rainfallDetection Rainfall detection
readAudacityLabels Read an Audacity label file
readAudio Read an audio file
readBirdNet Read output files from BirdNet Analyser
readRespeaker6 Read a file from Seeed Studio Respeaker 6 mic array
referenceIntensity Reference intensity
referencePressure Reference pressure
region Specify a region with a file to analyse
resonantFrequency Calculate the resonant frequency

-- S --

sDuration Sample duration
sheepFrequencyStats Sheep frequencyStats
shimmer Calculate the shimmer in a Wave object
soundSpeed Calculate the speed of sound in a medium
specStats Calculate and plot statistics on a frequency spectrum
ste Short term energy
STP STP: Standard Temperature and Pressure
subtractSpectra Subtract two spectra from seewave
sweptsine Generate a frequency-swept sine wave

-- T --

TaggedWave-class A S4 class for tagged waves
TaggedWaveMC-class A S4 class for tagged multi-channel waves
tagWave Tag a Wave or WaveMC object
TimeRegion-class An S4 class to represent a TimeRegion within a Wave object.
tSamples Samples per time period
typicalVolume Typical volumes
tzRot Converts a timezone offset into a rotation

-- U --

untagWave Untag a TaggedWave or TaggedWaveMC object
upsample Upsample a wave

-- V --

validateIsWave Check an object is a Wave object

-- W --

WaveFilter-class WaveFilter object for audio filters
windowing Windowing Function for Wave Objects
writeAudacityLabels Write an Audacity label file

-- Y --

yearlyFraction Calculate the fraction of a year given by a value
yearlyLabels Generate labels for a yearly plot
yearlyPlot Create a yearly plot
yearlyPositions Generate positions of labels for a yearly plot

-- Z --

zerocross Identify zero crossings in a Wave object
zeroSpectrum Zero spectrum

-- misc --

*-method PseudoWave scalar manipulation
*-method Numeric multiplication by PseudoWave
+-method PseudoWave scalar addition
+-method Numeric addition by PseudoWave
--method PseudoWave scalar subtraction
/-method PseudoWave scalar division
[-method Allow subsetting a Wave object with a TimeRegion