AbsorptionAlphaAinslieMcColm |
Calculation of absorption in sea water from Ainslie and McColm 1998 |
AbsorptionAlphaFisherSimmons |
Calculation of absorption in sea water from Fisher and Simmons 1977 |
AbsorptionSoundFreshWaterFrancoisGarrison |
Calculation of absorption of sound in fresh water From Francois & Garrison 1982 |
AbsorptionSoundSeaWaterFrancoisGarrison |
Calculation of absorption of sound in sea water From Francois & Garrison 1982 |
BandLevelFlatSpectrum |
band level (BL) for flat spectrum |
BandLevelFromCompleteBand |
band level (BL) from complete band |
BasicActiveSonarEquation |
basic active sonar equation |
BasicPassiveSonarEquation |
basic passive sonar equation |
BasicSonarEquation |
basic sonar equation |
CavitationThresholdEstimateFunctionOfDepth |
Cavitation threshold estimate as a function of depth |
CavitationThresholdEstimateFunctionOfRadiatedAcousticPowerIntensity |
Cavitation threshold estimate as a function of radiated acoustic power intensity |
CorrectiveTermsDepthFromPressure |
Corrective terms to be added for obtaining depth from pressure |
CorrectiveTermsPressureFromDepth |
Corrective terms to be subtracted for obtaining pressure from depth |
CutoffFrequencyShallowWater |
Calculation of cutoff frequency in shallow water from Jensen et Al 2011 |
CutoffFrequencyWater |
Calculation of cutoff frequency in water from Jensen et Al 2011 |
DepthToPressureLeroyParthiot |
Depth To Pressure from Leroy Parthiot 1998 |
DetectionIndex |
Detection index |
fuelStabilizer |
Number of milliliters or drops of stabilizer are needed to stabilize a certain amount of fuel |
HydrophoneSensitivity |
Hydrophone Sensitivity |
InternationalFormulaForGravity |
International Formula For Gravity |
MaximumRadiatedPowerToAvoidCavitation |
Maximum radiated power to avoid cavitation |
MolecularRelaxationAttenuationCoeficient |
Molecular relaxation attenuation coeficient (alpha) |
MolecularRelaxationAttenuationCoeficientApproximation |
Molecular relaxation attenuation coeficient approximation |
PeakTS |
peak pressure of the incident and reflected pulses |
PlaneWaveIntensity |
Plane wave intensity |
PlaneWavePressure |
Plane wave pressure |
PLcylindricalSpreadingLaw |
PL to range r cylindrical spreading law in logarithmic form |
PLSphericalSpreadingAndAbsorption |
PL Spherical Spreading and Absorption |
PLsphericalSpreadingLaw |
PL to range r spherical spreading law in logarithmic form |
PowerCylindricalSpreadingLaw |
Power cylindrical spreading law |
PowerSphericalSpreadingLaw |
Power spherical spreading law |
PressureBalticSimplifiedLeroy |
Calculation of pressure in the Baltic from Leroy 1969 |
PressureBlackSeaSimplifiedLeroy |
Calculation of pressure in the Black Sea from Leroy 1969 |
PressureModifiedSimplifiedLeroy |
Calculation of pressure in water (Leroy modified) from Lovett 1978 |
PressureSimplifiedLeroy |
Calculation of pressure in water simplified from Leroy 1969 |
PressureToDepthLeroyParthiot |
Pressure To Depth from Leroy Parthiot 1998 |
PressureToDepthSaundersFofonoff |
Pressure To Depth from Saunders and Fofonoff 1976 |
ProjectorSensitivityPower |
Projector Sensitivity Power |
ProjectorSensitivityVoltage |
Projector Sensitivity Voltage |
PropagationLoss |
Propagation loss (PL) |
RangeResolutionCHIRP |
Sonar Range Resolution CHIRP |
RangeResolutionMonotonic |
Sonar Range Resolution for monotonic acoustic systems |
SLdirectionalProjector |
SL of a directional projector |
SLomnidirectionalProjector |
SL of an omnidirectional projector |
SonarEquation |
sonar equation |
SourceLevel |
source level (SL) |
SourceLevelToAvoidCavitation |
source level to avoid cavitation |
SpeedAlgorithmParameterRanges |
Data on Speed of Sound Algorithm Parameter Ranges |
SpeedOfSound |
Speed of sound |
SpeedOfSoundAir |
speed of sound in humid air at sea level air density and known atmospheric pressure |
SpeedOfSoundDryAir |
Speed of sound in dry air at sea level air density and one atmosphere pressure |
SpeedOfSoundFreshWaterGrossoMader |
speed of sound (m/s) in fresh water from Grosso and Mader |
SpeedOfSoundHumidAir |
Speed of sound in Humid air at sea level air density and one atmosphere pressure |
SpeedOfSoundKinslerEtal |
Speed of sound (m/s) from Kinsler et al |
SpeedOfSoundPureWaterBelogolskiiSekoyanEtal |
speed of sound (m/s) from Belogolskii, Sekoyan et al |
SpeedOfSoundPureWaterBilaniukWong112 |
speed of sound (m/s) from Bilaniuk and Wong 112 point equation |
SpeedOfSoundPureWaterBilaniukWong148 |
speed of sound (m/s) from Bilaniuk and Wong 148 point equation |
SpeedOfSoundPureWaterBilaniukWong36 |
speed of sound (m/s) from Bilaniuk and Wong 36 point equation |
SpeedOfSoundPureWaterLubbersandGraaffSEa |
speed of sound (m/s) from Lubbers and Graaff's simplified equations a and b |
SpeedOfSoundPureWaterLubbersandGraaffSEb |
speed of sound (m/s) from Lubbers and Graaff's simplified equations a and b |
SpeedOfSoundPureWaterMarczak |
speed of sound (m/s) from Marczak |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterChenAndMillero |
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Chen and Millero 1977 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterCoppens |
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Coppens 1981 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterDelGrosso |
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Del Grosso 1974 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterFryeAndPugh |
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Frye and Pugh 1971 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLeroy68 |
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Leroy 1968 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLeroy69 |
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Leroy 1969 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLeroyEtAl2008 |
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Leroy et Al 2008 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLovett1 |
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Lovett 1978 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLovett2 |
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Lovett 1978b |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterLovett3 |
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Lovett 1978c |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterMackenzie |
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Mackenzie 1981 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterMedwin |
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Medwin 1975 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterSkone |
speed of sound (m/s) in sea water from Skone et al 2002 |
SpeedOfSoundSeaWaterWilson |
Calculation of speed of sound in sea water from Wilson 1960 |
TargetStrength |
Target Strength (TS) |
TargetStrengthCircularPlateNormal |
target strength Circular Plate normal |
TargetStrengthConvexSurface |
target strength Convex surface |
TargetStrengthCylinderNormal |
target strength Cylinder normal |
TargetStrengthCylinderThetaToNormal |
target strength Cylinder, theta to normal |
TargetStrengthPlateAnyShape |
target strength Plate of any shape |
TargetStrengthRectangularPlateNormal |
target strength Rectangular Plate normal |
TargetStrengthRectangularPlateThetaToNormal |
target strength Rectangular Plate, theta to normal |
TargetStrengthSphere |
target strength sphere |
TransmitDirectivityIndex |
transmit directivity index |