Some Multiple Testing Procedures

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someMTP-package Some Multiple Testing Procedures
callOrNULL-class Class *OrNULL
characterOrNULL-class Class *OrNULL
draw Plots results of fdrOrd()
fdrOrd Controlling the False Discovery Rate and and the Generalized FWER in ordered Test
kfweOrd Controlling the False Discovery Rate and and the Generalized FWER in ordered Test
length Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
length-method Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
listOrNULL-class Class *OrNULL
lsd Multivariate Left Spherically Distributed (LSD) linear scores test.
lsd.object Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd
lsd.object-class Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd
lsd.test Multivariate Left Spherically Distributed (LSD) linear scores test.
matrixOrNULL-class Class *OrNULL
names-method Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
names<--method Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
numericOrNULL-class Class *OrNULL
p.adjust.w Adjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons
p.value Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd
p.value-method Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd
show-method Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd
show-method Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
someMTP Some Multiple Testing Procedures
someMTP.object Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
someMTP.object-class Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
sort-method Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
step.adj Multipicity correction for Stepwise Selected models
summary Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd
summary-method Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd
summary-method Class "someMTP.object" for storing the result of the function fdrOrd
vectorOrNULL-class Class *OrNULL
weights Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd
weights-method Class "lsd.object" for storing the result of the function lsd