Topological k-NN Classifier Based on Self-Organising Maps

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Documentation for package ‘som.nn’ version 1.4.4

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som.nn-package Topological k-NN Classifier Based on Self-Organising Maps Bubble distance functions for topological k-NN classifier Inverse exponential distance functions for topological k-NN classifier Linear distance functions for topological k-NN classifier Tricubic distance functions for topological k-NN classifier
dist.torus Torus distance matrix
initialize-method Constructor of SOMnn Class
norm.linear Linear normalisation
norm.softmax Softmax normalisation
plot-method Plot method for S4 class 'SOMnn'
predict-method predict method for S4 class 'SOMnn'
round.probabilities Advanced rounding of vectors
som.nn Topological k-NN Classifier Based on Self-Organising Maps
som.nn.accuracy Calculate accuracy measures
som.nn.all.accuracy Calculate overall accuracy
som.nn.confusion Calculate confusion matrix
som.nn.continue Continue hexagonal som training
som.nn.export.kohonen Export a som.nn model as object of type 'kohonen'
som.nn.export.som Export a som.nn model as object of type 'SOM'
som.nn.multitrain Multi-step hexagonal som training
som.nn.set Set parameters for k-NN-like classifier in som.nn model
som.nn.train Hexagonal som training
som.nn.validate Predict class labels for a validation dataset
som.nn.visual Mapping function for SOMnn
SOMnn An S4 class to hold a model for the topological classifier som.nn
SOMnn-class An S4 class to hold a model for the topological classifier som.nn