solr_search {solrium}R Documentation

Solr search


Returns only matched documents, and doesn't return other items, including facets, groups, mlt, stats, and highlights.


  name = NULL,
  params = list(q = "*:*"),
  body = NULL,
  callopts = list(),
  raw = FALSE,
  parsetype = "df",
  concat = ",",
  optimizeMaxRows = TRUE,
  minOptimizedRows = 50000L,
  progress = NULL,



A solrium connection object, see SolrClient


Name of a collection or core. Or leave as NULL if not needed.


(list) a named list of parameters, results in a GET request as long as no body parameters given


(list) a named list of parameters, if given a POST request will be performed


Call options passed on to crul::HttpClient


(logical) If TRUE, returns raw data in format specified by wt param


(character) One of 'list' or 'df'


(character) Character to concatenate elements of longer than length 1. Note that this only works reliably when data format is json (wt='json'). The parsing is more complicated in XML format, but you can do that on your own.


(logical) If TRUE, then rows parameter will be adjusted to the number of returned results by the same constraints. It will only be applied if rows parameter is higher than minOptimizedRows. Default: TRUE


(numeric) used by optimizedMaxRows parameter, the minimum optimized rows. Default: 50000


a function with logic for printing a progress bar for an HTTP request, ultimately passed down to curl. only supports httr::progress for now. See the README for an example.


Further args to be combined into query


XML, JSON, a list, or data.frame


number of results

Because solr_search() returns a data.frame, metadata doesn't fit into the output data.frame itself. You can access number of results (numFound) in the attributes of the results. For example, attr(x, "numFound") for number of results, and attr(x, "start") for the offset value (if one was given). Or you can get all attributes like attributes(x). These metadata are not in the attributes when raw=TRUE as those metadata are in the payload (unless wt="csv").


SOLR v1.2 was first version to support csv. See


See for more information.

See Also

solr_highlight(), solr_facet()


## Not run: 
# Connect to a local Solr instance
(cli <- SolrClient$new())
cli$search("gettingstarted", params = list(q = "features:notes"))

solr_search(cli, "gettingstarted")
solr_search(cli, "gettingstarted", params = list(q = "features:notes"))
solr_search(cli, "gettingstarted", body = list(query = "features:notes"))

(cli <- SolrClient$new(host = "", path = "search", port = NULL))
cli$search(params = list(q = "*:*"))
cli$search(params = list(q = "title:golgi", fl = c('id', 'title')))

cli$search(params = list(q = "*:*", facet = "true"))

# search
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='*:*', rows=2, fl='id'))

# search and return all rows
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='*:*', rows=-1, fl='id'))

# Search for word ecology in title and cell in the body
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='title:"ecology" AND body:"cell"',
  fl='title', rows=5))

# Search for word "cell" and not "body" in the title field
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='title:"cell" -title:"lines"', fl='title',

# Wildcards
## Search for word that starts with "cell" in the title field
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='title:"cell*"', fl='title', rows=5))

# Proximity searching
## Search for words "sports" and "alcohol" within four words of each other
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='everything:"sports alcohol"~7',
  fl='abstract', rows=3))

# Range searches
## Search for articles with Twitter count between 5 and 10
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='*:*', fl=c('alm_twitterCount','id'),
  fq='alm_twitterCount:[5 TO 50]', rows=10))

# Boosts
## Assign higher boost to title matches than to body matches
## (compare the two calls)
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='title:"cell" abstract:"science"',
  fl='title', rows=3))
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='title:"cell"^1.5 AND abstract:"science"',
  fl='title', rows=3))

# FunctionQuery queries
## This kind of query allows you to use the actual values of fields to
## calculate relevancy scores for returned documents

## Here, we search on the product of counter_total_all and alm_twitterCount
## metrics for articles in PLOS Journals
solr_search(cli, params = list(q="{!func}product($v1,$v2)",
  v1 = 'sqrt(counter_total_all)',
  v2 = 'log(alm_twitterCount)', rows=5, fl=c('id','title'),

## here, search on the product of counter_total_all and alm_twitterCount,
## using a new temporary field "_val_"
  params = list(q='_val_:"product(counter_total_all,alm_twitterCount)"',
  rows=5, fl=c('id','title'), fq='doc_type:full'))

## papers with most citations
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='_val_:"max(counter_total_all)"',
   rows=5, fl=c('id','counter_total_all'), fq='doc_type:full'))

## papers with most tweets
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='_val_:"max(alm_twitterCount)"',
   rows=5, fl=c('id','alm_twitterCount'), fq='doc_type:full'))

## many fq values
solr_search(cli, params = list(q="*:*", fl=c('id','alm_twitterCount'),
   fq=list('doc_type:full','subject:"Social networks"',
           'alm_twitterCount:[100 TO 10000]'),
   sort='counter_total_month desc'))

## using wt = csv
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='*:*', rows=50, fl=c('id','score'),
  fq='doc_type:full', wt="csv"))
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='*:*', rows=50, fl=c('id','score'),

# using a proxy
# cli <- SolrClient$new(host = "", path = "search", port = NULL,
#   proxy = list(url = ""))
# solr_search(cli, q='*:*', rows=2, fl='id', callopts=list(verbose=TRUE))

# Pass on curl options to modify request
## verbose
solr_search(cli, params = list(q='*:*', rows=2, fl='id'),
  callopts = list(verbose=TRUE))

# using a cursor for deep paging
(cli <- SolrClient$new(host = "", path = "search", port = NULL))
## json, raw data
res <- solr_search(cli, params = list(q = '*:*', rows = 100, sort = "id asc", cursorMark = "*"), 
  parsetype = "json", raw = TRUE, callopts=list(verbose=TRUE))
## data.frame
res <- solr_search(cli, params = list(q = '*:*', rows = 100, sort = "id asc", cursorMark = "*"))
attr(res, "nextCursorMark")
## list
res <- solr_search(cli, params = list(q = '*:*', rows = 100, sort = "id asc", cursorMark = "*"),
  parsetype = "list")
attr(res, "nextCursorMark")

## End(Not run)

[Package solrium version 1.2.0 Index]