utility-functions {soilhypfit}R Documentation

Utility functions for package soilhypfit


This page documents the functions convergence_message, extract_error_messages, select_failed_fits and check_param_boundf.


convergence_message(x, sce = FALSE)

extract_error_messages(object, start = 1, stop = 80, prt = TRUE)


check_param_boundf(y, compare_thetar_thetas = TRUE)



an integer scalar issued by the optimisers of nloptr or SCEoptim on


a logical scalar to select the optimiser nloptr (FALSE, default) or SCEoptim (TRUE).


an object of class fit_wrc_hcc, see fit_wrc_hcc.


a logical scalar controlling whether the error messages should be printed.

start, stop

integer scalar with the first and last character to print.


a named list of numeric vectors of length 2 that define the allowed lower and upper bounds (box constraints) for the parameters of the models, see argument param_bound of control_fit_wrc_hcc.


logical scalar to control cross-comparison of valid ranges of parameters thetar and thetas.


The function convergence_message prints a message that explains the convergence codes, for nloptr, see NLopt return values. The function extract_error_messages extract the error messages of estimations that failed and optionally prints sub-strings of them.
The function select_failed_fits returns the ids of the soil samples for which parameter estimation failed. The function check_param_boundf checks the validity and consistecy of bounds of box constraints of model parameters.


The function convergence_message and extract_error_messages return invisibly the convergence code or the error messages.


Andreas Papritz papritz@retired.ethz.ch.


Duan, Q., Sorooshian, S., and Gupta, V. K. (1994) Optimal use of the SCE-UA global optimisation method for calibrating watershed models, Journal of Hydrology 158, 265–284, doi:10.1016/0022-1694(94)90057-4.

Johnson, S.G. The NLopt nonlinear-optimisation package. https://github.com/stevengj/nlopt.

See Also

soilhypfitIntro for a description of the models and a brief summary of the parameter estimation approach;

fit_wrc_hcc for (constrained) estimation of parameters of models for soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity data;

control_fit_wrc_hcc for options to control fit_wrc_hcc;

soilhypfitmethods for common S3 methods for class fit_wrc_hcc;

vcov for computing (co-)variances of the estimated nonlinear parameters;

prfloglik_sample for profile loglikelihood computations;

wc_model and hc_model for currently implemented models for soil water retention curves and hydraulic conductivity functions;

evaporative-length for physically constraining parameter estimates of soil hydraulic material functions.


convergence_message(2, sce = TRUE)

[Package soilhypfit version 0.1-7 Index]