%$% | Exposition pipe |
%<>% | Assignment pipe |
%>% | Pipe |
chisq_pvalues | Compute Chi-squared p-values |
chisq_pvalues_gdata | Compute Chi-squared p-values on a Genotype data object |
diamond_annots | Get diamond ggplot layer. |
gdata_add_gene_annots | gdata_add_gene_annots |
gdata_add_gene_annots_aim_example | gdata_add_gene_annots_aim_example |
gdata_add_gene_annots_hladr_example | gdata_add_gene_annots_hladr_example |
gdata_scans_annots | gdata_scan_annots |
gdata_snps_annots | gdata_snp_annots |
get_biomart_metadb | get_biomart_metadb |
ggplot_associations | Ggplot associations |
ggplot_ld | Ggplot linkage disequilibrium |
ggplot_snp_pos | Ggplot SNPs position |
gtable_ld | Gtable of linkage disequilibrium and chromosomic positions |
gtable_ld_associations | Gtable of linkage disequilibrium and associations |
gtable_ld_associations_gdata | Gtable of linkage disequilibrium and associations using a GenotypeData object |
gtable_ld_gdata | Gtable of linkage disequilibrium and positions using a GenotypeData object |
load_gds_as_genotype_data | Load GDS as Genotype Data |
parallel_apply | Separate a matrix in a list of matrices of length the number of cores and apply a function on the columns in parallel |
print_qc_as_tex_table | print_qc_as_tex_table |
save_hgdp_as_gds | save_hgdp_as_gds |
select_region_idxs | select_region_idxs |
snprelate_allele_frequencies | Compute allele frequencie and snp missing rate |
snprelate_ld | Wrapper for snpgdsLDMat to compute r2 |
snprelate_ld_select | Wrapper for snpgdsLDpruning to select Tag SNPs |
snprelate_qc | snprelate_qc |