genparam {snapshot} | R Documentation |
Generates a Gadget paramter file
Function to generator a legal Gadget paramter setup file. This has a sensible selection of defaults chosen for fairly small (non Cosmological) simulations.
genparam(ParamFile = "galaxy.param", ParamBase = "./HernTest/",
InitCondFile = "./HernStart.gdt", OutputDir = "./HernTest/", EnergyFile = "energy.txt",
InfoFile = "info.txt", TimingsFile = "timings.txt", CpuFile = "cpu.txt",
RestartFile = "restart", SnapshotFileBase = "snapshot",
OutputListFilename = "parameterfiles/output_list.txt", TimeLimitCPU = 36000,
ResubmitOn = 0, ResubmitCommand = "my-scriptfile", ICFormat = 1, SnapFormat = 1,
ComovingIntegrationOn = 0, TypeOfTimestepCriterion = 0, OutputListOn = 0,
PeriodicBoundariesOn = 0, TimeBegin = 0, TimeMax = 0.001, Omega0 = 0, OmegaLambda = 0,
OmegaBaryon = 0, HubbleParam = 1, BoxSize = 0, TimeBetSnapshot = 1e-05,
TimeOfFirstSnapshot = 0, CpuTimeBetRestartFile = 36000, TimeBetStatistics = 0.05,
NumFilesPerSnapshot = 1, NumFilesWrittenInParallel = 1, ErrTolIntAccuracy = 0.025,
CourantFac = 0.3, MaxSizeTimestep = 0.1, MinSizeTimestep = 0, ErrTolTheta = 0.5,
TypeOfOpeningCriterion = 1, ErrTolForceAcc = 0.005, TreeDomainUpdateFrequency = 0.1,
DesNumNgb = 32, MaxNumNgbDeviation = 8, ArtBulkViscConst = 1, InitGasTemp = 0,
MinGasTemp = 100, PartAllocFactor = 3.0, TreeAllocFactor = 4.8, BufferSize = 25,
UnitLength_in_cm = 3.085678e+21, UnitMass_in_g = 1.989e+43,
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s = 1e+05, GravityConstantInternal = 0,
MinGasHsmlFractional = 0.25, SofteningGas = 1e-04, SofteningHalo = 1e-04,
SofteningDisk = 0.4, SofteningBulge = 0.8, SofteningStars = 0, SofteningBndry = 0.1,
SofteningGasMaxPhys = 1e-04, SofteningHaloMaxPhys = 1e-04, SofteningDiskMaxPhys = 0.4,
SofteningBulgeMaxPhys = 0.8, SofteningStarsMaxPhys = 0, SofteningBndryMaxPhys = 0.1,
MaxRMSDisplacementFac = 0.2, NFWConcentration = 10, VirialMass = 200, FlatRadius = 1e-05,
DeltaVir = 200, addNFW = FALSE)
ParamFile |
Name for the paramter file |
ParamBase |
Base file path for the paramter file |
InitCondFile |
Full path of file containing initial conditions |
OutputDir |
Base directory in which to put the major Gadget outputs, including snapshots etc |
EnergyFile |
Name to give energy file |
InfoFile |
Name to give info file |
TimingsFile |
Name to give timings file |
CpuFile |
Name to give CPU file |
RestartFile |
Name to give restart file |
SnapshotFileBase |
Base name for snapshots, appended by snapshot number |
OutputListFilename |
Name of file containing output times / expansion factors |
TimeLimitCPU |
Max CPU time to use for Gadget run |
ResubmitOn |
Flag to tell super-computer there is a resubmit file |
ResubmitCommand |
Specific to super-computer resubmit command |
ICFormat |
Initial conditions format: PUT OPTIONS IN TABLE HERE |
SnapFormat |
Snapshot format: PUT OPTIONS IN TABLE HERE |
ComovingIntegrationOn |
Allow for expansion of Universe |
TypeOfTimestepCriterion |
Type of particle integrator- leave at 0 |
OutputListOn |
Flag to tell it to use OutputListFilename as input |
PeriodicBoundariesOn |
Flag to turn on/off periodic box boundaries, only needed for large cosmological runs |
TimeBegin |
Time at the beginning of simulation |
TimeMax |
Max time to evolve particles to |
Omega0 |
Total energy density |
OmegaLambda |
Cosmological constant energy density |
OmegaBaryon |
Baryonic energy density |
HubbleParam |
Value of H0/100 to be used |
BoxSize |
Length of box edge (important for cosmological runs only) |
TimeBetSnapshot |
Time between snapshots |
TimeOfFirstSnapshot |
Time at which to output first snapshot |
CpuTimeBetRestartFile |
How often to output full restart file |
TimeBetStatistics |
Time between energy.txt updates |
NumFilesPerSnapshot |
How many files to split snapshots over |
NumFilesWrittenInParallel |
How many files to split snapshots over (probably ignore) |
ErrTolIntAccuracy |
Orbital integration accuracy |
CourantFac |
Limit on time step compared to sound crossing time for hydro runs |
MaxSizeTimestep |
Maximum time step allowed |
MinSizeTimestep |
Minimum time step allowed |
ErrTolTheta |
Controls the accurary of integration (smaller is closer to direct N-body) |
TypeOfOpeningCriterion |
Barnes-Hut or modified opening criteria (probably ignore) |
ErrTolForceAcc |
Only used for modified opening criterion (use default) |
TreeDomainUpdateFrequency |
How often should a tree be constructed |
DesNumNgb |
Number of neighbours to use for denisty estimation in SPH |
MaxNumNgbDeviation |
How much tolerance is allowed when finding neighbours |
ArtBulkViscConst |
Artificial viscosity term (use default) |
InitGasTemp |
Initial gas temperature |
MinGasTemp |
Minimum gas temperature allowed in the run |
PartAllocFactor |
Memory buffer per particle per processor |
TreeAllocFactor |
Memory buffer for tree calculation |
BufferSize |
Total memory buffer between processors |
UnitLength_in_cm |
Assumed IC distance units in cm (default assumes Kpc for input) |
UnitMass_in_g |
Assumed mass of provided IC mass units in grams (default assumes 1e10 Msun for input) |
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s |
Assumed velocity of provided units in cm/s (default assumes km/s) |
GravityConstantInternal |
Internal units for g |
MinGasHsmlFractional |
Minimum multiplicitive factor for smoothing length in hyrdo gas |
SofteningGas |
Softening to use for gas particles |
SofteningHalo |
Softening to use for halo particles |
SofteningDisk |
Softening to use for disk particles |
SofteningBulge |
Softening to use for bulge particles |
SofteningStars |
Softening to use for star particles |
SofteningBndry |
Softening to use for boundary particles |
SofteningGasMaxPhys |
Physical softening to use for gas particles (only relevant for Cosmo run) |
SofteningHaloMaxPhys |
Physical softening to use for halo particles (only relevant for Cosmo run) |
SofteningDiskMaxPhys |
Physical softening to use for disk particles (only relevant for Cosmo run) |
SofteningBulgeMaxPhys |
Physical softening to use for bulge particles (only relevant for Cosmo run) |
SofteningStarsMaxPhys |
Physical softening to use for star particles (only relevant for Cosmo run) |
SofteningBndryMaxPhys |
Physical softening to use for boundary particles (only relevant for Cosmo run) |
MaxRMSDisplacementFac |
Biggest distance that a particle can move in a time step |
NFWConcentration |
Concentration of analytic NFW profile, addNFW must be set to TRUE |
VirialMass |
Mass within virial radius of analytic NFW profile, addNFW must be set to TRUE |
FlatRadius |
Forces the NFW profile to be cored (not cusped), addNFW must be set to TRUE |
DeltaVir |
Virial overdensity of NFW profile, addNFW must be set to TRUE |
addNFW |
Logic determining whether the analyic NFW specific paramters be added to the setup file? See above |
No value returned, called for the side-effect of writing out a Gadget paramter setup file.
Aaron Robotham
See Also
## Not run:
## End(Not run)