sk_snap {snapKrig}R Documentation

Snap a set of points to a "sk" grid


Maps the input points in from to the closest grid points in the lattice of which g is a sub-grid. In cases of duplicate mappings, the function returns the first matches only.


sk_snap(from, g = nrow(from), crop_from = FALSE, crop_g = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)



matrix, data frame, or points object from sp or sf, the source points


any object accepted or returned by sk, the destination grid


logical, indicating to omit points not overlying g.


logical, indicating to trim g to the extent of from.


logical, suppresses console output


from can be a geometry collection from packages sf or sp, or a matrix or list of y and x coordinates. When from is a matrix, its first two columns should be the y and x coordinates (in that order), and the (optional) third column should be the data. When from is a list, the function expects (two or three) vectors of equal length, ordered as above.

When from is a geometry collection with a coordinates reference system (CRS) string, points are first transformed to the CRS of g. If one or both of from and g are missing a CRS definition, the function assumes the same one is shared in both.

g can be a raster geometry object (such as SpatRaster), in which case the function behaves like terra::rasterize, or an sk grid object. It can also be a matrix (supplying dimensions) or a list containing either gdim orgres, from which an appropriately spaced set of grid lines is derived, centered under the bounding box of the points. If g is not supplied, it is automatically set to equal nrow(from), so that there there is one grid line along each dimension for each input point.

crop_from and crop_g control the extent of the output grid. If both are FALSE (the default) the function returns the smallest regular grid containing both g and the snapped from points. If crop_from=TRUE and crop_g=FALSE the output grid will match g exactly. If crop_from=FALSE and crop_g=TRUE the output grid will include all snapped points, and possibly omit some or all of g. And if both are TRUE, the output grid encloses the intersection of the points with the bounding box of g.


sk object, a grid containing the snapped points. These are assigned the corresponding data value in from, or if from has no data, an integer mapping to the points in from. Un-mapped grid points are set to NA.

See Also

sk sk_coords

Other sk constructors: sk_rescale(), sk_sub(), sk()


# functions to scale arbitrary inverval to (1, 2,... 100) and make color palettes
num_to_cent = function(x) 1L + floor(99*( x-min(x) ) / diff(range(x)))
my_pal = function(x) grDevices::hcl.colors(x, 'Spectral', rev=TRUE)
my_col = function(x) my_pal(1e2)[ num_to_cent(x) ]

# create a grid object
gdim = c(40, 30)
g = sk(gdim=gdim, gres=1.1)

# randomly position points within bounding box of g
n_pts = 10
from = lapply(g$gyx, function(yx) runif(n_pts, min(yx), max(yx)) )

# translate away from g (no overlap is required)
from[['y']] = from[['y']] + 5
from[['x']] = from[['x']] + 15

# add example data values and plot
from[['z']] = stats::rnorm(length(from[['y']]))
plot(g, reset=FALSE)
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')], pch=16, col=my_col(from[['z']]))
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')])

# snap only the points overlying the input grid
g_snap = sk_snap(from, g, crop_from=TRUE)
plot(g_snap, col_grid='black', reset=FALSE, leg=FALSE)
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')], pch=16, col=my_col(from[['z']]))
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')])

# snap all points to grid extension (default settings)
g_snap = sk_snap(from, g, crop_from=FALSE, crop_g=FALSE)
plot(g_snap, col_grid='black', reset=FALSE)
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')], pch=16, col=my_col(from[['z']]))
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')])

# find smallest subgrid enclosing all snapped grid points
g_snap = sk_snap(from, g, crop_g=TRUE)
plot(g_snap, col_grid='black', reset=FALSE)
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')], pch=16, col=my_col(from[['z']]))
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')])

# create a new grid of different resolution enclosing all input points
g_snap = sk_snap(from, g=list(gres=c(0.5, 0.5)))
plot(g_snap, reset=FALSE, col_grid='black')
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')], pch=16, col=my_col(from[['z']]))
graphics::points(from[c('x', 'y')])

if( requireNamespace('sf') ) {

# a different example, snapping mis-aligned subgrid
g_pts = sk(list(gdim=c(15, 8), gres=1.7), vals=FALSE)
g_pts[['gyx']][['y']] = g_pts[['gyx']][['y']] + 5
g_pts[['gyx']][['x']] = g_pts[['gyx']][['x']] + 5
from = sk_coords(g_pts, out='list')

# convert to sf
eg_sfc = sf::st_geometry(sk_coords(g_pts, out='sf'))
plot(g, reset=FALSE)
plot(eg_sfc, add=TRUE)

# generate example data and plot
eg_sf = sf::st_sf(data.frame(z=stats::rnorm(length(g_pts))), geometry=eg_sfc)
plot(g, reset=FALSE)
plot(eg_sf, pch=16, add=TRUE, pal=my_pal)
plot(eg_sfc, add=TRUE)

# snap points
g_snap = sk_snap(from=eg_sf, g)
plot(g_snap, reset=FALSE, col_grid='black')
plot(eg_sf, pch=16, add=TRUE, pal=my_pal)
plot(eg_sfc, add=TRUE)

# snapping points without data produces the mapping (non-NA values index "from")
g_snap = sk_snap(from=eg_sfc, g)
plot(g_snap, ij=TRUE, reset=FALSE, col_grid='black')
plot(eg_sfc, add=TRUE)

# with crop_g=TRUE)
g_snap = sk_snap(from=eg_sfc, g, crop_g=TRUE)
plot(g_snap, reset=FALSE, col_grid='black')
plot(eg_sfc, add=TRUE)

# test with sp class
eg_sp = as(eg_sf,'Spatial')
g_snap = sk_snap(from=eg_sp, g)
plot(g_snap, reset=FALSE, col_grid='black')
plot(eg_sf, pch=16, add=TRUE, pal=my_pal)
plot(eg_sfc, add=TRUE)


[Package snapKrig version 0.0.2 Index]