sk_plot {snapKrig}R Documentation

Plot grid data


Plots a matrix or raster as a heatmap with an optional color bar legend. This is a wrapper for graphics::image similar to terra::plot but with tighter margins to increase the image area on screen; and with a different layout for heat-maps of matrices, which are plotted with i and j axes (row and column numbers) replacing y and x.


sk_plot(g, gdim = NULL, ...)



vector, matrix, or any object understood by sk


numeric vector, (optional) grid dimensions of the data when g is a vector


plotting parameters (see details)


This method is called automatically when a "sk" object is passed to plot.

g can be a vector, in which case gdim supplies the y, x dimensions (ie number of rows, number of columns), in that order. g can also can be a matrix, raster or any other object understood by sk (in which case gdim can be omitted).

The data in g can be of numeric, integer, logical, or factor class. The numeric class is plotted with a continuous color bar legend, while the others get a categorical legend.

Category names (ie tick labels) for the legend can be supplied in argument breaks, with one character string for each unique non-NA value in g, as integer, in ascending order. If the data are continuous, breaks can either be the desired number of bins for coloring, or a vector of break points delineating bins (passed to graphics::image). Note that a set of n bins has n+1 break points.

pal should be one of the palette names returned by grDevices::hcl.pals, or else a vector of color names with length one fewer than the number of break points.

If the data are all NA, the function omits the heatmap and legend, and draws grid lines instead. col_grid can be specified to enable/disable grid lines more generally. These lines can sometimes appear misaligned due to anti-aliasing. If this is a problem, try switching to a different graphics device back-end (eg. in Windows Rstudio, try changing from the default to Cairo with options(RStudioGD.backend = 'cairo')).

The function sets the graphical parameters 'oma' (to c(0,0,0,0)) and 'mar' (to values between 1.1 and 5.1, depending on whether titles, axes, and legend are plotted), then calls graphics::image, which sets other graphical parameters such as 'usr'. By default all graphical parameters are reset to their original values at the end of the function call. reset=FALSE prevents this, so that additional elements can be added to the plot later (such as by calling sf::st_plot(.., add=TRUE) or graphics:lines).


The function returns a vector of suggested plot height and width values in units of inches which minimize the unused margin space. For example to save a trim version of your plot as png, call sk_plot first to get the suggested height and width, say y and x, then pass the result to png(filename, height=m*y, width=m*x, pointsize=m*12, ...), where m is any positive scaling factor.

Plotting parameters

The following style parameters are optional:

adj, leg_just

numeric in [0,1]: respectively, the horizontal justification of the title and vertical justification of the color bar legend (default 0.5 for both)


numeric or NA: the aspect ratio parameter passed to graphics::image (default 1)

axes, leg

logical: respectively indicates to draw axes (y and x, or i and j), the color bar legend (default TRUE)

axes_w, leg_w, lab_w, main_w, oma_w

numeric: respectively, the number of lines of margin to reserve for axes (default 2), legend (default 5), axis labels (default 2), main title (default 2), and outer white-space (default 0.5)


numeric (vector) or character vector: the color break points (see details)

cex, cex.main, cex.x, cex.y, cex.z

numeric: controls the size of text elements in the plot (default 1), those for title, x/y labels and ticks, and legend title and ticks all inherit the value assigned to cex (unless otherwise specified).

col_box, col_grid

character: respectively, the colors to use for drawing a box around the image border and for drawing grid cell boundaries (NA to omit)

col_invert, col_rev

logical: respectively, inverts (default FALSE), and reverses the color scale (default TRUE


logical: enables/disables matrix style plot with j axis annotations on top (default TRUE for vector and matrix input, otherwise FALSE)


integer: the layer (column) to plot (default 1)

lwd_axis, lwd_ticks, lwd_grid

numeric: respectively, line widths for the axis lines, ticks, and grid lines (default 1)

main, zlab, ylab, xlab

character: respectively, a title to put on top in bold, a legend title to put over the color bar, and axis titles for dimensions y and x. Setting to ” omits both the label and its margin space


logical: produces a stripped down plot showing only the grid data. This omits all annotation (unless otherwise specified by axes and/or leg) and removes all margin space (unless otherwise specified by leg_w and/or mar_w)


character (vector): one of grDevices::hcl.pals() (default 'Spectral')


integer: the maximum number of pixels to draw along each dimension (default 2000). If either x or y dimension exceeds this limit, the grid is up-scaled before plotting


logical: indicates to restore original graphical parameters after plot is finished (default TRUE)


numeric vector: range in the data to plot (ignored for discrete plots)


logical: toggles the placement of the horizontal dimension axis on top vs bottom

See Also


Other plotting functions: sk_plot_pars()


# example grid
gdim = c(50, 100)
n = prod(gdim)
g = sk(gdim)

# plot the grid layout as raster then as matrix
plot(g, ij=TRUE)

# example data: cosine of squared distance to top left corner
z = apply(expand.grid(g$gyx), 1, \(z) cos( 2*sum(z^2) ) )
g_example = utils::modifyList(g, list(gval=z))

# plot as matrix (changes default palette)
plot(g_example, ij=TRUE)

# alignment
plot(g_example, ij=TRUE, main='Centered title and legend by default')
plot(g_example, ij=TRUE, main='adj: left-right justification of title', adj=0)
plot(g_example, ij=TRUE, main='leg_just: top-bottom justification of color bar', leg_just=0)

# set the palette - see hcl.pals() for valid names
pal = 'Zissou 1'
plot(g_example, pal=pal, main=pal)
plot(g_example, pal=pal, main=pal, col_invert=TRUE)
plot(g_example, pal=pal, main=pal, col_invert=TRUE, col_rev=TRUE)

# example data: cosine of distance to top left corner
g[] = apply(expand.grid(g$gyx), 1, \(z) cos( sqrt(sum(z^2))/50 ) )

# specify the layer for multi-layer objects (default is first layer)
g_multi = sk(list(gdim=gdim, gval=cbind(z, z^2)))
plot(g_multi, layer=2)

# reduce number of color breaks or specify a factor for discrete value plots
plot(g, breaks=50)
plot(g, breaks=3)
g[] = cut(g[], breaks=3, dig.lab=1)

# pass color bar labels for discrete plots in breaks (in order low to high)
plot(g, breaks=c('a', 'b', 'c'), zlab='group')

# select some "observed" points and make a covariance matrix
idx_obs = match(seq(n), sort(, 1e2)))
g[] = idx_obs
v = sk_var(g)

# matrix display mode is automatic when first argument is a matrix or vector
sk_plot(v, zlab=expression(V[ij]))
sk_plot(c(v), dim(v), zlab=expression(V[ij]))

# or pass the matrix to `sk` first to turn it into a sk grid object
g_v = sk(v)
plot(g_v, zlab=expression(V[ij]))

# minimal versions
plot(g_v, minimal=TRUE)
plot(g_v, minimal=TRUE, leg=TRUE)
plot(g_v, minimal=TRUE, col_grid='white', leg=TRUE)

# logical matrix plots are gray-scale by default
plot(g_v > 1e-2, main='logical matrix')

# logical, integer and factor class matrices get a discrete color-bar
interval = 1e-2 # try also 1e-3 to see behaviour with large number of bins
v_discrete = cut(v, seq(0, ceiling(max(v)), by=interval), dig.lab=2)
g_v[] = cut(v, seq(0, ceiling(max(v)), by=interval), dig.lab=2)

# labels are preserved for character matrices
z_char = rep(c('foo', 'bar'), n/2)
z_char[, n/2)] = NA
sk_plot(z_char, gdim)

# multi-pane plot
g_sim = sk_sim(c(100, 50), n_layer=3)
plot(g_sim, main='layer 1', layer=1, minimal=TRUE, col_box='black')
plot(g_sim, main='layer 2', layer=2, minimal=TRUE, col_box='black')
plot(g_sim, main='layer 3', layer=3, minimal=TRUE, col_box='black')

[Package snapKrig version 0.0.2 Index]