affineTransSECdistr {sn}R Documentation

Affine transformations and marginals of a skew-elliptical distribution


Given a multivariate random variable YY with skew-elliptical (SEC) distribution, compute the distribution of a (possibly multivariate) marginal or the distribution of an affine transformation a+AYa + A^{\top}Y.


  affineTransSECdistr(object, a, A, name, compNames, drop=TRUE)
  marginalSECdistr(object, comp, name, drop=TRUE)



an object of class SECdistrMv which identifies the source random variable, as created by makeSECdistr or by extractSECdistr or by a previous call to these functions


a numeric vector with the length ncol(A).


a full-rank matrix with nrow(A) equal to the dimensionality d of the random variable identified by object.


an optional character string representing the name of the outcome distribution; if missing, one such string is constructed.


an optional vector of length ncol(A) of character strings with the names of the components of the outcome distribution; if missing, one such vector is constructed.


a logical flag (default value: TRUE), operating only if the returned object has dimension d=1, in which case it indicates whether this object must be of class SECdistrUv.


a vector formed by a subset of 1:d which indicates which components must be extracted from object, on denoting by d its dimensionality.


If object defines the distribution of a SEC random variable YY, affineTransSECdistr computes the distribution of a+AYa+A'Y and marginalSECdistr computes the marginal distribution of the comp components. In both cases the returned object is of class SECdistrMv, except when drop=TRUE operates, leading to an object of class SECdistrUv.


These functions implement formulae given in Sections 5.1.4, 5.1.6 and 6.2.2 of the reference below.


Azzalini, A. with the collaboration of Capitanio, A. (2014). The Skew-Normal and Related Families. Cambridge University Press, IMS Monographs series.

See Also

makeSECdistr, extractSECdistr, SECdistrMv-class


dp3 <- list(xi=1:3, Omega=toeplitz(1/(1:3)), alpha=c(3,-1,2), nu=5)
st3 <- makeSECdistr(dp3, family="ST", name="ST3", compNames=c("U", "V", "W"))
A <- matrix(c(1,-1,1, 3,0,-2), 3, 2) <- affineTransSECdistr(st3, a=c(-3,0), A=A)
st2 <- marginalSECdistr(st3, comp=c(3,1), name="2D marginal of ST3")

[Package sn version 2.1.1 Index]