smof-methods {smof}R Documentation

Methods for smof objects


The list of methods that apply to smof objects


## S3 method for class 'smof'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'smof'
plot(x, which, ...)
## S3 method for class 'smof'
summary(object,  ...)
## S3 method for class 'summary.smof'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'smof'
predict(object, newdata, ...)



an object returned by smof.


an object returned by smof, except for print.summary.smof where x is the outcome of summary.smof.


either a vector or a two-elements list; see ‘Details’ for full specification.


a data frame which includes ordered factors with the same names and levels as those in the data frame used to produce object; see ‘Details’ for additional information.


arguments passsed through to other methods.


There are two main parts in the outcome of summary.smof. One is the outcome of the selection of the factor(s) transformation(s); the other part, denoted Final fitting call, represents the newly fitted model with the original ordered factors replaced by numeric scores. The corresponding data.frame, denoted, is one of the components of the object returned by smof.

If which is a character vector, its components are interpreted as names of the factors in the calling statement of the object to be plotted, producing a set of graphs where the numeric scores of each named factor are plotted versus the equally spaced ticks associated to the original level names. The same effect is obtained when which is a numeric vector of integers, which then select the corresponding components of the factors sequence.

If which is a list, its first element is assumed to be a vector having the meaning just described. After the pertaining set of graphs has been completed, the second element of the list is passed to the plotting method for the object produced by the model fitting procedure. Currently this option operates only for objects which inherits from class lm; specifically, it works for objects originated by a call to lm or to glm.

With predict.smof, the outcome of a smof fit is applied to new data frame which includes ordered factors analogous to those used to compute the smof transformation. Only the factors of newdata with the same name as those processed by smof to produce object are examined. The levels of these factors must coincide with or be a subset of those of the original data frame.

There is a difference between the role played by predict.smof and the one of predict methods for other classes. Usually the returned values pertain to the response variable, or to some related entity, while here the outcome refers to explanatory variables.


For summary.smof, a list. For predict.smof, a data frame.


Adelchi Azzalini

See Also

smof, lm, glm


contrasts(esoph$agegp, 2) <- contr.poly(6)  
contrasts(esoph$tobgp, 1) <- contr.poly(4)  
fit1 <- glm(cbind(ncases, ncontrols) ~ agegp + tobgp + alcgp, family=binomial(), data=esoph)      
smof1 <- smof(fit1, esoph, "alcgp")
plot(smof1, type="b", pch=19, col="blue")
plot(smof1, which=list(1, 1:4))
predict(smof1, newdata=esoph[seq(1, 88, by=8), ]) 

[Package smof version 1.1.0 Index]