ShangMi(SM) Cryptographic Algorithms(SM2/SM3/SM4)

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Documentation for package ‘smcryptoR’ version 0.1.2

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sm2_decrypt SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt
sm2_decrypt_asna1 SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - asn.1
sm2_decrypt_base64 SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm2_decrypt_c1c2c3 SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - c1c2c3
sm2_decrypt_from_file SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - file
sm2_decrypt_hex SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm2_encrypt SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt
sm2_encrypt_asna1 SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - asn.1
sm2_encrypt_base64 SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm2_encrypt_c1c2c3 SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - c1c2c3
sm2_encrypt_hex SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm2_encrypt_to_file SM2 Encrypt/Decrypt - file
sm2_gen_keypair SM2 Key Pair
sm2_keyexchange_1ab SM2 Key Exchange
sm2_keyexchange_2a SM2 Key Exchange
sm2_keyexchange_2b SM2 Key Exchange
sm2_keypair_from_pem_file SM2 Key Pair
sm2_keypair_to_pem_file SM2 Key Pair
sm2_pk_from_sk SM2 Key Pair
sm2_privkey_valid SM2 Key Pair
sm2_pubkey_from_pem_file SM2 Key Pair
sm2_pubkey_to_pem_file SM2 Key Pair
sm2_pubkey_valid SM2 Key Pair
sm2_sign SM2 Sign/Verify
sm2_sign_to_file SM2 Sign/Verify
sm2_verify SM2 Sign/Verify
sm2_verify_from_file SM2 Sign/Verify
sm3_hash SM3 Hash
sm3_hash_file SM3 Hash
sm3_hash_string SM3 Hash
sm4_decrypt_cbc SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt
sm4_decrypt_cbc_base64 SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm4_decrypt_cbc_from_file SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - file
sm4_decrypt_cbc_hex SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm4_decrypt_ecb SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt
sm4_decrypt_ecb_base64 SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm4_decrypt_ecb_from_file SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - file
sm4_decrypt_ecb_hex SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm4_encrypt_cbc SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt
sm4_encrypt_cbc_base64 SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm4_encrypt_cbc_hex SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm4_encrypt_cbc_to_file SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - file
sm4_encrypt_ecb SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt
sm4_encrypt_ecb_base64 SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm4_encrypt_ecb_hex SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - hex and base64
sm4_encrypt_ecb_to_file SM4 Encrypt/Decrypt - file