smallstuff-package |
Dr. Small's Data Science Functions |
allspan3D |
Plot Span and Vectors in 3D |
allvectors3D |
Plot Vectors in 3D |
as_adj_def |
Create an adjacency matrix from a multigraph according to the definition |
CI |
Normal Confidence Interval |
coord2D |
Plot a 2D Coordinate System |
coord3D |
Plot a 3D Coordinate System |
crossing2 |
Find Edge Crossings |
CVerror |
k-Fold Cross Validation Error Rate |
CVerrorknn |
k-Fold Cross Validation Error Rate for KNN |
dataSet |
Obtain a Dataset from a Formula |
dCohen |
Cohen's d |
get_subgraphs |
Split a Graph into Subgraphs |
graph_attr_from_df |
Add Graph Attributes to a Graph from a Data Frame |
impNA |
Impute Missing Values |
isInt |
Determine if the Input contains Integers |
laCrossProd |
Cross Product (Linear Algebra) |
lines3D |
Lines in 3D |
lmPartReg |
Partial Regression Plot |
lmSub |
Best Linear Model in Subset Selection |
logistErrorRate |
Calculate the Error Rate and Results Table for Logistic Regression Models |
outliers |
Find Outliers |
plotCol |
Plot Colors | |
Calculate the Population Standard Deviation |
pop.var |
Calculate the Population Variance |
predict.regsubsets |
Obtain Predictions using Subset Selection |
projMatrix |
Create the Projection Matrix of a Matrix |
qqlineHalf |
Line through a Half-Normal Plot |
rcpp_hello_world |
Simple function using Rcpp |
ROCcurve |
Plot the ROC curve |
ROCknn |
KNN ROC curve |
round2 |
Round to the Nearest Number |
smallstuff |
Dr. Small's Data Science Functions |
span3D |
Span of a Matrix |
systemEq |
Solve a System of Equations |
vector2D |
Add a Vector to a 2D Coordinate System |
vector3D |
Add a Vector to a 3D Coordinate System |
weight_distribution |
Weight Distribution of a Graph |
withinPC |
Calculate Row or Column Percentages |