Dr. Small's Functions

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Documentation for package ‘smallstuff’ version 1.0.3

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smallstuff-package Dr. Small's Data Science Functions
allspan3D Plot Span and Vectors in 3D
allvectors3D Plot Vectors in 3D
as_adj_def Create an adjacency matrix from a multigraph according to the definition
CI Normal Confidence Interval
coord2D Plot a 2D Coordinate System
coord3D Plot a 3D Coordinate System
crossing2 Find Edge Crossings
CVerror k-Fold Cross Validation Error Rate
CVerrorknn k-Fold Cross Validation Error Rate for KNN
dataSet Obtain a Dataset from a Formula
dCohen Cohen's d
get_subgraphs Split a Graph into Subgraphs
graph_attr_from_df Add Graph Attributes to a Graph from a Data Frame
impNA Impute Missing Values
isInt Determine if the Input contains Integers
laCrossProd Cross Product (Linear Algebra)
lines3D Lines in 3D
lmPartReg Partial Regression Plot
lmSub Best Linear Model in Subset Selection
logistErrorRate Calculate the Error Rate and Results Table for Logistic Regression Models
outliers Find Outliers
plotCol Plot Colors
pop.sd Calculate the Population Standard Deviation
pop.var Calculate the Population Variance
predict.regsubsets Obtain Predictions using Subset Selection
projMatrix Create the Projection Matrix of a Matrix
qqlineHalf Line through a Half-Normal Plot
rcpp_hello_world Simple function using Rcpp
ROCcurve Plot the ROC curve
ROCknn KNN ROC curve
round2 Round to the Nearest Number
smallstuff Dr. Small's Data Science Functions
span3D Span of a Matrix
systemEq Solve a System of Equations
vector2D Add a Vector to a 2D Coordinate System
vector3D Add a Vector to a 3D Coordinate System
weight_distribution Weight Distribution of a Graph
withinPC Calculate Row or Column Percentages