Stochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Comparative Hypotheses

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Documentation for package ‘slouch’ version 2.1.5

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slouch-package SLOUCH: Stochastic Linear Ornstein Uhlenbeck Comparative Hypotheses
artiodactyla Artiodactyla Phylogeny Function to fit Brownian-motion models of trait evolution
hillclimbplot Plot the hillclimber trajectory
hillclimbplot.slouch Plot the hillclimber trajectory
logLik.slouch Extract Log-Likelihood
lseq Logarithmically spaced sequence
neocortex Artiodactyl brain data
plot.slouch Plot Grid Search
print.slouch Print, minimalist output
regimeplot Plot the internal regimes for a given fitted model
regimeplot.slouch Plot the internal regimes for a given fitted model
slouch SLOUCH: Stochastic Linear Ornstein Uhlenbeck Comparative Hypotheses Function to fit Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models of trait evolution
summary.slouch Model Summary