auth_test |
Checks authentication & identity against the Slack API. |
call_slack_api |
A wrapper function to call the Slack API with authentication and pagination. |
convert_response_to_tibble |
Convert Slack API json response to tibble. |
create_config_file |
Create the config file used in 'slackr_setup()' |
ggslackr |
Post a ggplot to a Slack channel |
register_onexit |
Append slackr_msg as on.exit to functions. |
slackr |
Output R expressions to a Slack channel/user |
slackr_bot |
Send result of R expressions to a Slack channel via webhook API |
slackr_channels |
Get a data frame of Slack channels |
slackr_chtrans |
Translate vector of channel names to channel IDs for API |
slackr_csv |
Send a data frame to Slack as a CSV |
slackr_delete |
slackr_delete |
slackr_dev |
Send the graphics contents of the current device to a Slack channel |
slackr_history |
Reads history of a channel. |
slackr_ims |
Get a data frame of Slack IM ids |
slackr_msg |
Sends a message to a slack channel. |
slackr_save |
Save R objects to an RData file on Slack |
slackr_setup |
Setup environment variables for Slack API access |
slackr_teardown |
Unset env vars created by 'slackr_setup()' |
slackr_tex |
Post a tex output to a Slack channel |
slackr_upload |
Send a file to Slack |
slackr_users |
Get a data frame of Slack users |
warn_for_args |
Check for token-parameter mismatches |
with_pagination |
Calls the slack API with pagination using cursors. |