antizenith |
Declination of the anti-zenith sun for a given location |
az.pdf |
Convert discrete azimuth measurements into probability distributions |
az2dec |
Calculates declination from azimuth and altitude measurements |
Converts year number (epoch) to calendar year |
bernoulli.trial |
Execute a (series of) Bernoulli trial(s) |
body.position |
Computes position of Solar System bodies in equatorial coordinates |
coordtrans |
Coordinate-transform azimuth prob distributions into declination prob distributions |
createHor |
Create _skyscapeR.horizon_ object from Az/Alt data |
createHWT |
Create and download horizon data from _HeyWhatsThat_ |
curvigram |
(Defunct) Computes declination curvigram |
downloadHWT |
Download horizon data from _HeyWhatsThat_ |
dS |
Declination of December Solstice for a given year |
Equinoctial Full Moons |
eq |
Declination of the sun at the Equinox |
exportHor |
Exports a _skyscapeR.horizon_ object into _Stellarium_ format |
findTargets |
Find celestial targets within declination and time ranges |
hor2alt |
Retrieves horizon altitude for a given azimuth from a given horizon profile |
hpdi |
Returns the high-density region of a probability distribution |
jd2time |
Converts Julian date and time (in any timezone) to julian date |
jS |
Declination of June Solstice for a given year | |
Converts day-month in 'MM-DD' format to a more readable format |
mag.dec |
Estimates magnetic declination (difference between true and magnetic north) based on IGRF 12th gen model |
moonphase |
Computes the phase of the moon |
nMjLX |
Declination of northern major Lunar Extreme for a given year |
nmnLX |
Declination of northern minor Lunar Extreme for a given year |
obliquity |
Computes obliquity of the ecliptic |
orbit |
Calculate visible path of celestial object at given location |
parallax.corr |
Corrected parallax for a given location and object altitude |
plot.skyscapeR.horizon |
Plot horizon data |
plot.skyscapeR.pdf |
Plot orientation probability distributions |
plot.skyscapeR.sigTest |
Plot significance test of orientations |
plot.skyscapeR.spd |
Plot orientation summed probability density |
plot.skyscapeR.starphases |
Plot stellar phase and seasonality |
plotAzimuth |
Polar plot of orientations (azimuths) |
plotBars |
Bar plot of orientations (declination) |
print.skyscapeR.sigTest |
Prints significance test results |
pval2stars |
Converts p-value into symbol |
randomTest |
Significance test against the null hypothesis of random orientation |
reduct.compass |
Data reduction for compass measurements |
reduct.theodolite |
Data reduction for theodolite measurements using the sun-sight method |
riseset |
Computes the rising and setting azimuth, declination and time of a Solar System object for a given location and day |
RugglesCKR |
Cork and Kerry Stone Row Data |
RugglesRSC |
Recumbent Stone Circle Data |
sigTest |
(Defunct) Perform a null hypothesis significance test of a given curvigram |
sky.objects |
Creates a _skyscapeR.object_ for plotting of celestial objects at given epoch |
sky.sketch |
Create a simplistic sketch of the sky at a given moment in time |
skyscapeR.vars |
See and change the global variables used by skyscapeR |
sMjLX |
Declination of southern major Lunar Extreme for a given year |
smnLX |
Declination of southern minor Lunar Extreme for a given year | |
Solar Date |
spatial.equinox |
Declination of the spatial equinox for a given location |
spd |
Summed probability density (SPD) |
star |
Create _skyscapeR.star_ object |
star.phases |
Calculate the seasons and phase type of a star |
sunAz |
Returns the azimuth of the sun at a given time from a specific location |
ten |
Converts degree measurements in deg-min-sec (º ' ") format into decimal-point degree format. |
time2jd |
Converts date and time (in any timezone) to Julian date |
timestring |
Converts date and time numeric values to a single string |
zenith |
Declination of the zenith sun for a given location |