A Bayesian Hierarchical Model that Controls for Non-Adherence in Mobile Menstrual Cycle Tracking

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Documentation for package ‘skipTrack’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

gibbsStepLi Gibbs Step Li - One MCMC step for the Li Model
liInference Perform hyperparameter inference assuming the model given in Li et al. (2022) on a cycle length dataset.
likVec Monte Carlo estimate of negative marginal log-likelihood of Li model
liMCMC Runs MCMC algorithm for performing inference using the model from Li et al. (2022)
liSim Simulate user tracked menstrual cycle data for an individual using the li model.
mixSim Simulate user tracked menstrual cycle data for an individual using the mixture model.
plot.skipTrack.model Plot skipTrack.model objects
postBeta Draw from Posterior Distribution for Beta Parameters
postCij Sample a vector of values from the full conditional posterior of the c_ij vector
postGamma Perform a Metropolis-Hastings Step for Drawing a New Gamma
postLambdai Compute random draw from full conditional posterior for lambda_i in Li algorithm.
postMui Sample a value from the full conditional posterior of mu_i
postPhi Metropolis-Hastings step to draw a new value for phi.
postPi Sample a value from the full conditional posterior of pi
postPii Compute M-H draw for pi_i in Li algorithm
postRho Sample a value from the full conditional posterior of rho
postSij Compute random draw from full conditional posterior for s_ij in Li algorithm.
postTaui Sample a value from the full conditional posterior of tau_i
print.skipTrack.model Print skipTrack.model to console
sampleStep Perform a single step of the MCMC sampling process for skipTrack
skipTrack.diagnostics skipTrack MCMC Diagnostics
skipTrack.fit Fits the skipTrack Model using 1 or more MCMC chains
skipTrack.MCMC Perform one chain of MCMC sampling for the skipTrack model.
skipTrack.results Get tables of Inference results from skipTrack.fit
skipTrack.simulate Simulate user-tracked menstrual cycle data for multiple individuals
skipTrack.visualize Visualize Results from skipTrack.fit
str.skipTrack.model Report skipTrack.model structure to console
stSim Simulate user tracked menstrual cycle data for an individual, based on the skipTrack model.
summary.skipTrack.model Report skipTrack.model results to console