distMahal {skewMLRM} | R Documentation |
Mahalanobis distance for fitted models in the MSMN, MSMSN, MSSMN and MSMSNC classes
Compute and plot the Mahalanobis distance for any supported model in the multivariate scale mixtures of normal (MSMN), multivariate scale mixtures of skew-normal (MSMSN), multivariate skew scale mixtures of normal (MSSMN) or multivariate scale mixtures of skew-normal-Cauchy (MSMSNC) classes. See details for supported distributions.
distMahal(object, alpha = 0.95, ...)
object |
an object of class "skewMLRM" returned by one of the following functions: estimate.xxx, choose.yyy, choose2, mbackcrit or mbacksign. See details for supported distributions. |
alpha |
significance level (0.05 by default). |
... |
aditional graphical parameters |
Supported models are:
In MSMN class: multivariate normal (MN), multivariate Student t (MT), multivariate slash (MSL), multivariate contaminated normal (MCN). See Lange and Sinsheimer (1993) for details.
In MSMSN class: multivariate skew-normal (MSN), multivariate skew-T (MSTT), multivariate skew-slash (MSSL2), multivariate skew-contaminated normal (MSCN2). See Zeller, Lachos and Vilca-Labra (2011) for details.
In MSSMN class: MSN, multivariate skew-t-normal (MSTN), multivariate skew-slash normal (MSSL), multivariate skew-contaminated normal (MSCN). See Louredo, Zeller and Ferreira (2021) for details.
In MSMSNC class: multivariate skew-normal-Cauchy (MSNC), multivariate skew-t-Expected-Cauchy (MSTEC), multivariate skew-slash-Expected-Cauchy (MSSLEC), multivariate skew-contaminated-Expected-Cauchy (MSCEC). See Kahrari et al. (2020) for details.
Note: the MSN distribution belongs to both, MSMSN and MSSMN classes.
distMahal provides an object of class skewMLRM related to compute the Mahalanobis distance for all the observations and a cut-off to detect possible influent observations based on the specified significance (0.05 by default).
an object of class "skewMLRM" is returned. The object returned for this functions is a list containing the following components:
Mahal |
the Mahalanobis distance for all the observations |
function |
a string with the name of the used function. |
dist |
The distribution for which was performed the estimation. |
class |
The class for which was performed the estimation. |
alpha |
specified level of significance (0.05 by default). |
cut |
the cut-off to detect possible influent observations based on the specified significance. |
y |
The multivariate vector of responses. The univariate case also is supported. |
X |
The regressor matrix (in a list form). |
Clecio Ferreira, Diego Gallardo and Camila Zeller
Kahrari, F., Arellano-Valle, R.B., Ferreira, C.S., Gallardo, D.I. (2020) Some Simulation/computation in multivariate linear models of scale mixtures of skew-normal-Cauchy distributions. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. In press. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2020.1804582
Lange, K., Sinsheimer, J.S. (1993). Normal/independent distributions and their applications in robust regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 2, 175-198.
Louredo, G.M.S., Zeller, C.B., Ferreira, C.S. (2021). Estimation and influence diagnostics for the multivariate linear regression models with skew scale mixtures of normal distributions. Sankhya B. In press. DOI: 10.1007/s13571-021-00257-y
Zeller, C.B., Lachos, V.H., Vilca-Labra, F.E. (2011). Local influence analysis for regression models with scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions. Journal of Applied Statistics 38, 343-368.
n=200 # length of the sample
nv<-3 # number of explanatory variables
p<-nv+1 # nv + intercept
m<-4 # dimension of Y
for(i in 1:n) {
aux[2:p]<-rMN(1,mu=rnorm(nv),Sigma=diag(nv)) ##simulating covariates
for (j in 1:m) mi[((j-1)*p+1):(j*p),j]=aux
} ##X is the simulated regressor matrix
betas<-matrix(rnorm(q0),ncol=1) ##True betas
Sigmas <- clusterGeneration::genPositiveDefMat(m,rangeVar=c(1,3),
lambdaLow=1, ratioLambda=3)$Sigma ##True Sigma
for(i in 1:n) {
y[i,]<-rMN(n=1,c(mui),Sigmas) ## simulating the response vector
fit.MN=estimate.MN(y,X) #fit the MN model
mahal.MN=distMahal(fit.MN) #compute the Mahalanobis distances for MN model
plot(mahal.MN) #plot the Mahalanobis distances for MN model
mahal.MN$Mahal #presents the Malahanobis distances