godfrey_orme {skedastic}R Documentation

Godfrey and Orme's Nonparametric Bootstrap Test for Heteroskedasticity in a Linear Regression Model


This function implements the method of Godfrey and Orme (1999) for testing for heteroskedasticity in a linear regression model. The procedure is more clearly described in Godfrey et al. (2006).


  B = 1000L,
  alternative = c("greater", "less", "two.sided"),
  seed = 1234,



Either an object of class "lm" (e.g., generated by lm), or a list of two objects: a response vector and a design matrix. The objects are assumed to be in that order, unless they are given the names "X" and "y" to distinguish them. The design matrix passed in a list must begin with a column of ones if an intercept is to be included in the linear model. The design matrix passed in a list should not contain factors, as all columns are treated 'as is'. For tests that use ordinary least squares residuals, one can also pass a vector of residuals in the list, which should either be the third object or be named "e".


A character specifying the name of a function that implements a heteroskedasticity test on a linear regression model. The function is called with the statonly argument set to TRUE to improve computational efficiency.


An integer specifying the number of nonparametric bootstrap samples to generate. Defaults to 1000L.


The tailedness of the test whose statistic is computed by hettest function; one of "greater" (the default), "less", or "two.sided".


An integer specifying a seed to pass to set.seed for random number generation. This allows reproducibility of bootstrap results. A value of NA results in not setting a seed.


Additional arguments to pass to function with name hettest


The procedure runs as follows. (1) The observed value of the test statistic T0T_0 is computed using function with name hettest. (2) A sample e1,e2,,ene_1^\star,e_2^\star,\ldots,e_n^\star is drawn with replacement from the OLS residuals. (3) Bootstrapped response values are computed as yi=xiβ^+ei,i=1,2,,ny_i^{\star}=x_i' \hat{\beta}+e_i^\star,i=1,2,\ldots,n. (4) Bootstrapped test statistic value TT^\star is computed from the regression of yy^\star on XX using function hettest. (5) Steps (2)-(4) are repeated until BB bootstrapped test statistic values are computed. (6) Empirical pp-value is computed by comparing the bootstrapped test statistic values to the observed test statistic value. Note that, if alternative is set to "two.sided", the one-sided pp-value is doubled (twosidedpval cannot be used in this case).


An object of class "htest". If object is not assigned, its attributes are displayed in the console as a tibble using tidy.


Godfrey LG, Orme CD (1999). “The Robustness, Reliability and Power of Heteroskedasticity Tests.” Econometric Reviews, 18(2), 169–194.

Godfrey LG, Orme CD, Silva JS (2006). “Simulation-Based Tests for Heteroskedasticity in Linear Regression Models: Some Further Results.” Econometrics Journal, 9, 76–97.


mtcars_lm <- lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars)
godfrey_orme(mtcars_lm, hettest = "breusch_pagan")

[Package skedastic version 2.0.2 Index]