sjdbcOptions {sjdbc}R Documentation

Package Options and Defaults


Stores presistent options and defaults for sjdbc package functions.





you can provide no arguments. You can provide a list or vector of character strings as the only argument, or you can provide arguments in name=value form. See the VALUE and SIDE EFFECTS sections for more information.


The sjdbcOptions function always returns a list, even if the list is of length 1.

Side Effects

When options are set, the sjdbcOptions function changes a list named .sjdbcOptions in the session frame (frame 0). The components of .sjdbcOptions are all of the currently defined options. If sjdbcOptions is called with either a list as the single argument or with one or more arguments in name=value form, the options specified are changed or created.

Supported Options

driverClass a string containing the name of the Java class for the required JDBC driver.
con the JDBC connection string.
user a string specifying the user name with access to database. Note: Some drivers do not require this option.
password a string containing the password for the given user name on the database. Note: Some drivers do not require this option.
keepAlive a logical. if TRUE, keeps the database connection alive after executing the query. Defaults to FALSE.
batchSize an integer containing the number of rows exported per batch in exportJDBC. Defaults to 1000.
useTransaction export data as a single transaction. Defaults to TRUE.

See Also

This function closely mimics the behavior of the options function in base TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R.


# set a single option

# set multiple options

[Package sjdbc version 1.6.1 Index]