sjPlot-package |
Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science |
css_theme |
Modify plot appearance |
dist_chisq |
Plot chi-squared distributions |
dist_f |
Plot F distributions |
dist_norm |
Plot normal distributions |
dist_t |
Plot t-distributions |
efc |
Sample dataset from the EUROFAMCARE project |
font_size |
Modify plot appearance |
get_model_data |
Plot regression models |
label_angle |
Modify plot appearance |
legend_style |
Modify plot appearance |
plot_frq |
Plot frequencies of variables |
plot_gpt |
Plot grouped proportional tables |
plot_grid |
Arrange list of plots as grid |
plot_grpfrq |
Plot grouped or stacked frequencies |
plot_kfold_cv |
Plot model fit from k-fold cross-validation |
plot_likert |
Plot likert scales as centered stacked bars |
plot_model |
Plot regression models |
plot_models |
Forest plot of multiple regression models |
plot_residuals |
Plot predicted values and their residuals |
plot_scatter |
Plot (grouped) scatter plots |
plot_stackfrq |
Plot stacked proportional bars |
plot_xtab |
Plot contingency tables |
save_plot |
Save ggplot-figure for print publication |
scale_color_sjplot |
Modify plot appearance |
scale_fill_sjplot |
Modify plot appearance |
set_theme |
Set global theme options for sjp-functions |
show_sjplot_pals |
Modify plot appearance |
sjp.aov1 |
Plot One-Way-Anova tables |
sjp.chi2 |
Plot Pearson's Chi2-Test of multiple contingency tables |
sjp.corr |
Plot correlation matrix |
sjp.poly |
Plot polynomials for (generalized) linear regression |
sjPlot |
Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science |
sjplot |
Wrapper to create plots and tables within a pipe-workflow |
sjPlot-themes |
Modify plot appearance |
sjplot_pal |
Modify plot appearance |
sjt.itemanalysis |
Summary of item analysis of an item scale as HTML table |
sjt.xtab |
Summary of contingency tables as HTML table |
sjtab |
Wrapper to create plots and tables within a pipe-workflow |
tab_corr |
Summary of correlations as HTML table |
tab_df |
Print data frames as HTML table. |
tab_dfs |
Print data frames as HTML table. |
tab_fa |
Summary of factor analysis as HTML table |
tab_itemscale |
Summary of item analysis of an item scale as HTML table |
tab_model |
Print regression models as HTML table |
tab_pca |
Summary of principal component analysis as HTML table |
tab_stackfrq |
Summary of stacked frequencies as HTML table |
tab_xtab |
Summary of contingency tables as HTML table |
theme_538 |
Modify plot appearance |
theme_blank |
Modify plot appearance |
theme_sjplot |
Modify plot appearance |
theme_sjplot2 |
Modify plot appearance |
view_df |
View structure of labelled data frames |