hauto {sirad} | R Documentation |
Auto-calibrate Hargreaves model
Function estimates Hargreaves model coefficients 'A' and 'B' based on autocalibration procedure
hauto(lat, lon, days,extraT = NULL, Tmax, Tmin, tal,
Ha_guess = 0.16, Hb_guess = 0.1, epsilon=0.5, perce = NA)
lat |
Latitude in decimal degrees. |
lon |
Longitude in decimal degrees. |
days |
Vector of class 'Date' of length n. |
extraT |
Optional. Vector of length n of extraterrestrial solar radiation [MJm-2]. If 'NULL' then it is calculated by the function. Providing extraterrestrial solar radiation speeds up the computation |
Tmax |
Vector of length n containing daily maximum temperature [C]. |
Tmin |
Vector of length n containing daily minumum temperature [C]. |
tal |
Clear sky transmissivity. |
Ha_guess |
Assumption of Hargreaves Ha coefficient. Default set to 0.16. |
Hb_guess |
Assumption of Hargreaves Hb coefficient. Default set to 0.1. |
epsilon |
A value of which potential radiation is decreased. See "details". |
perce |
Percent of clear days. Default set to 1. |
The auto-calibration method bases on the assumption that on the clear-sky days model should not overpredict potential values. To define those clear-sky days, we estimate daily solar radiation using Hargreaves model with default values of A = 0.16, B = 0.1 and tal = 0.72 and we select those days for which estimated daily solar radiation is the closest to the potential values (extra-terrestrial*tal). The number of clear-sky days is estimated based on the mean Cloud Fraction Cover map. Next, based on selected clear-sky days, we perform a non-linear least squares regression to derive A and B coefficients treating potential values decreased by 'epsilon' as a reference solar radiation values. The analysis of auto-calibration results showed clear correlation between optimal 'epsilon' and distance to the coast. We proposed simplified method in which 'epsilon' is equal to 0.1 MJm-2 or to 0.5 MJm-2 when distance to the coast is smaller or bigger than 15 km respectively.
Vector of length 3 containing:
Ha |
Hargreaves 'A' coefficient |
Hb |
Hargreaves 'B' coefficient |
Hr2 |
Coefficient of determination of performed linear regression |
Jedrzej S. Bojanowski
Hargreaves, G.H., Samani, Z.A. 1892. Estimating potential evapotranspiration. J. Irrig. Darin. Eng., ASCE 108 (3), 225-230. Bojanowski, J.S., Donatelli, M., Skidmore, A.K., Vrieling, A., 2013. An auto-calibration procedure for empirical solar radiation models Environmental Modelling and Software 49, 118-128.
See Also
Tmax <- Metdata$meteo$TEMP_MAX
Tmin <- Metdata$meteo$TEMP_MIN
days <- Metdata$meteo$DAY
lat <- Metdata$LATITUDE
lon <- Metdata$LONGITUDE