Simulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data

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Documentation for package ‘simrel’ version 2.1.0

Help Pages

abs_sigma Tidy Functions to make plotting easy
AppSimrel Simulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
bisimrel Simulation of Multivariate Linear Model data with response
cov_mat Extract various sigma matrices
cov_plot_data Prepare data for Plotting Covariance Matrix
cov_xy Covariance between X and Y
cov_zw Covariance between Z and W
cov_zy Covariance between Z and Y
expect_subset Extra test functions
ggsimrelplot Simulation Plot with ggplot: The true beta, relevant component and eigen structure
mbrd Function to create MBR-design.
mbrdsim A function to set up a design for a given set of factors with their specific levels using the MBR-design method.
msim Simulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
multisimrel Simulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
parse_parm Some helper function for simulation
plot_beta Plotting Functions
plot_cov Plotting Covariance Matrix
plot_covariance Plot Covariance between predictor (components) and response (components)
plot_simrel A wrapper function for a simrel object
prepare_design Prepare design for experiment from a list of simulation parameter
simrel Simulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
simrelplot Simulation Plot: The true beta, relevant component and eigen structure
tidy_beta Tidy Functions to make plotting easy
tidy_lambda Extract Eigenvalues of predictors
tidy_sigma Tidy covariance matrix
unisimrel Function for data simulation