Simple Engine for Generating Reports using R

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Documentation for package ‘simplermarkdown’ version 0.0.6

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file_subs_ext Replace file extension by another file extension
format_copypaste Format the result of running a block of code
format_traditional Format the result of running a block of code
get_extensions Get the extensions that are needed when converting from json to markdown by pandoc.
markdown_block Return a code block object that can be included in the pandoc parse tree
mdtangle Extract code from the code blocks in a markdown file
mdweave Run the code in a markdown file and generate a new markdown file
mdweave_to_html Run the code in a markdown file and generate a new document
mdweave_to_pdf Run the code in a markdown file and generate a new document
mdweave_to_tex Run the code in a markdown file and generate a new document
md_figure Generate a figure and generate the markdown to include the figure
md_table Generate a markdown table from a data.frame
output_eval Output filters for code blocks in markdown
output_figure Output filters for code blocks in markdown
output_raw Output filters for code blocks in markdown
output_shell Output filters for code blocks in markdown
output_str Output filters for code blocks in markdown
output_table Output filters for code blocks in markdown
raw_block Return a raw chunk of text that can be included in the pandoc parse tree
run_and_capture Run code and capture the output