sN.MLPtrain {simpleNeural} | R Documentation |
Trains a multilayer perceptron with 1 hidden layer
Trains a multilayer perceptron with 1 hidden layer and a sigmoid activation function, using backpropagation and gradient descent. Don't forget to normalize the data first - sN.normalizeDF(), provided in the package, can be used to do so.
sN.MLPtrain(X, y, hidden_layer_size = 5, it = 50, lambda = 0.5,
alpha = 0.5)
X |
Matrix of predictors |
y |
Vector of output (the ANN learns y=ANN(X)). Classes should be assigned an integer number, starting at 0 for the first class. |
Number of units in the hidden layer | |
it |
Number of iterations for the gradient descent. The default value of 50 may be a little low in some cases. 100 to 1000 are generally sensible values. |
lambda |
Penalization for model coefficients (regularization parameter) |
alpha |
Speed multiplier (learning rate) for gradient descent |
The coefficients of the MLP, in a list (Theta1 between input and hidden layers, Theta2 between hidden and output layers)
M.W Gardner, S.R Dorling, Artificial neural networks (the multilayer perceptron)- a review of applications in the atmospheric sciences, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 32, Issues 14-15, 1 August 1998, Pages 2627-2636, ISSN 1352-2310, doi: 10.1016/S1352-2310(97)00447-0 []
Jain, A.K.; Jianchang Mao; Mohiuddin, K.M., "Artificial neural networks: a tutorial," Computer , vol.29, no.3, pp.31,44, Mar 1996. doi: 10.1109/2.485891 []
Rumelhart, David E., Geoffrey E. Hinton, and R. J. Williams. "Learning Internal Representations by Error Propagation". David E. Rumelhart, James L. McClelland, and the PDP research group (editors). Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition, Volume 1: Foundations. MIT Press, 1986.
# NB: the provided examples are just here to help use the package's functions.
# In real use cases you should perform a proper validation (cross-validation,
# external validation data...)