Simply Caching R Objects

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Documentation for package ‘simpleCache’ version 0.4.2

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simpleCache-package Provides intuitive functions for caching R objects, encouraging faster reproducible and restartable R analysis
.tooOld Determine if a cache file is sufficiently old to warrant refresh.
addCacheSearchEnvironment Add a cache search environment
deleteCaches Deletes caches
getCacheDir Fetcher of the currently set cache directory.
listCaches Show available caches.
loadCaches Loads pre-made caches
resetCacheSearchEnvironment Sets global option of cache search environments to 'NULL'.
secToTime This function takes a time in seconds and converts it to a more human-readable format, showing hours, minutes, or seconds, depending on how long the time is. Used by my implementation of tic()/toc().
setCacheBuildDir Sets local cache build directory with scripts for building files.
setCacheDir Sets a global variable specifying the default cache directory for 'simpleCache' calls.
setSharedCacheDir Set shared cache directory
simpleCache Create a new cache or load a previously created cache.
simpleCacheGlobal Helper alias for loading caches into the global environment. simpleCache normally loads variables into the calling environment; this ensures that the variables are loaded in the global environment.
simpleCacheOptions View simpleCache options
simpleCacheShared Alias to default to a shared cache folder.
simpleCacheSharedGlobal Helper alias for loading shared caches into the global environment.
storeCache Stores as a cache an already-produced R object
tic Start a timer
toc Check the time since the current timer was started with tic()
_PACKAGE Provides intuitive functions for caching R objects, encouraging faster reproducible and restartable R analysis