seize {simmer}R Documentation

Seize/Release Resources


Activities for seizing/releasing a resource, by name or a previously selected one. Resources must be defined in the simulation environment (see add_resource).


seize(.trj, resource, amount = 1, continue = NULL, post.seize = NULL,
  reject = NULL, ..., tag)

seize_selected(.trj, amount = 1, id = 0, continue = NULL,
  post.seize = NULL, reject = NULL, ..., tag)

release(.trj, resource, amount = 1, ..., tag)

release_selected(.trj, amount = 1, id = 0, ..., tag)

release_all(.trj, resource, ..., tag)

release_selected_all(.trj, id = 0, ..., tag)



the trajectory object.


the name of the resource.


the amount to seize/release, accepts either a numeric or a callable object (a function) which must return a numeric.


a boolean (if post.seize OR reject is defined) or a pair of booleans (if post.seize AND reject are defined; if only one value is provided, it will be recycled) to indicate whether these subtrajectories should continue to the next activity in the main trajectory.


an optional trajectory object which will be followed after a successful seize.


an optional trajectory object which will be followed if the arrival is rejected (dropped).




activity tag name to perform named rollbacks (see rollback) or just to better identify your activities.


selection identifier for nested usage.


Rejection happens when a resource is at full capacity and there is no room in the queue (either because there is a finite queue_size and it is full, or because queue_size=0 and thus it is disabled). In those cases, the reject parameter defines a fallback trajectory. Note, however, that, if the arrival is accepted (either in the queue or in the server) and then it is dropped afterwards due to preemption or resource shrinkage, then this trajectory will not be executed. Instead, see handle_unfinished for another, more general, method for handling all kinds of unfinished arrivals.


Returns the trajectory object.

See Also

select, set_capacity, set_queue_size, set_capacity_selected, set_queue_size_selected


## simple seize, delay, then release
traj <- trajectory() %>%
  seize("doctor", 1) %>%
  timeout(3) %>%
  release("doctor", 1)

simmer() %>%
  add_resource("doctor", capacity=1) %>%
  add_generator("patient", traj, at(0, 1)) %>%
  run() %>%

## arrival rejection (no space left in the queue)
traj <- trajectory() %>%
  log_("arriving...") %>%
  seize("doctor", 1) %>%
  # the second patient won't reach this point
  log_("doctor seized") %>%
  timeout(5) %>%
  release("doctor", 1)

simmer() %>%
  add_resource("doctor", capacity=1, queue_size=0) %>%
  add_generator("patient", traj, at(0, 1)) %>%
  run() %>% invisible

## capturing rejection to retry
traj <- trajectory() %>%
  log_("arriving...") %>%
    "doctor", 1, continue = FALSE,
    reject = trajectory() %>%
      log_("rejected!") %>%
      # go for a walk and try again
      timeout(2) %>%
      log_("retrying...") %>%
      rollback(amount = 4, times = Inf)) %>%
  # the second patient will reach this point after a couple of walks
  log_("doctor seized") %>%
  timeout(5) %>%
  release("doctor", 1) %>%

simmer() %>%
  add_resource("doctor", capacity=1, queue_size=0) %>%
  add_generator("patient", traj, at(0, 1)) %>%
  run() %>% invisible

## combining post.seize and reject
traj <- trajectory() %>%
  log_("arriving...") %>%
    "doctor", 1, continue = c(TRUE, TRUE),
    post.seize = trajectory("admitted patient") %>%
      log_("admitted") %>%
      timeout(5) %>%
      release("doctor", 1),
    reject = trajectory("rejected patient") %>%
      log_("rejected!") %>%
      seize("nurse", 1) %>%
      timeout(2) %>%
      release("nurse", 1)) %>%
  # both patients will reach this point, as continue = c(TRUE, TRUE)
  timeout(10) %>%

simmer() %>%
  add_resource("doctor", capacity=1, queue_size=0) %>%
  add_resource("nurse", capacity=10, queue_size=0) %>%
  add_generator("patient", traj, at(0, 1)) %>%
  run() %>% invisible

[Package simmer version Index]