weighted_estimators {simPop}R Documentation

Weighted mean, variance, covariance matrix and correlation matrix


Compute mean, variance, covariance matrix and correlation matrix, taking into account sample weights.

The additional parameters are now described:


meanWt(x, ...)

varWt(x, ...)

covWt(x, ...)

corWt(x, ...)



for meanWt and varWt, a numeric vector or an object of class dataObj. For covWt and corWt, a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame or dataObj. In case of a dataObj, weights are automatically used from the S4-object itself.


for the generic functions covWt and corWt, additional arguments to be passed to methods. Additional arguments not included in the definition of the methods are ignored.


For meanWt, the (weighted) mean.

For varWt, the (weighted) variance.

For covWt, the (weighted) covariance matrix or, for the default method, the (weighted) covariance.

For corWt, the (weighted) correlation matrix or, for the default method, the (weighted) correlation coefficient.


meanWt, varWt, covWt and corWt all make use of slot weights of the input object if the dataObj-method is used.


Stefan Kraft and Andreas Alfons

See Also

mean, weighted.mean, var, cov, cor


meanWt(eusilcS$netIncome, weights=eusilcS$rb050)
sqrt(varWt(eusilcS$netIncome, weights=eusilcS$rb050))

# dataObj-methods
inp <- specifyInput(data=eusilcS, hhid="db030", hhsize="hsize", strata="db040", weight="db090")
meanWt(inp, vars="netIncome")
sqrt(varWt(inp, vars="netIncome"))
corWt(inp, vars=c("age", "netIncome"))
covWt(inp, vars=c("age", "netIncome"))

[Package simPop version 2.1.3 Index]