tylersGrill {simEd} | R Documentation |
Arrival and Service Data for Tyler's Grill (University of Richmond)
This data set contains a list of two vectors of data.
The first vector in the list contains the arrival times for 1434 customers arriving to Tyler's Grill at the University of Richmond during a single day in 2005. The arrival times were collected during operating hours, from 07:30 until 21:00. Arrival times are provided in seconds from opening (07:30).
The second vector contains service times sample for 110 customers at Tyler's Grill in 2005. Service times are provided in seconds.
returns the vector of 1434 arrival times.
returns the vector of 110 service times.
CMSC 326 Simulation course at the University of Richmond, 2005.
interarr <- c(0, diff(tylersGrill$arrivalTimes))
svc <- tylersGrill$serviceTimes
avgInterarrivalTime <- mean(interarr)
avgServiceTime <- mean(svc)
# use method of moments to fit gamma to Tyler's Grill service times
aHat <- mean(svc)^2 / var(svc)
bHat <- var(svc) / mean(svc)
hist(svc, freq = FALSE, las = 1, xlab = "service time", ylab = "density")
x <- 1:max(svc)
curve(dgamma(x, shape = aHat, scale = bHat), add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 2)
[Package simEd version 2.0.1 Index]