tylersGrill {simEd}R Documentation

Arrival and Service Data for Tyler's Grill (University of Richmond)


This data set contains a list of two vectors of data.

The first vector in the list contains the arrival times for 1434 customers arriving to Tyler's Grill at the University of Richmond during a single day in 2005. The arrival times were collected during operating hours, from 07:30 until 21:00. Arrival times are provided in seconds from opening (07:30).

The second vector contains service times sample for 110 customers at Tyler's Grill in 2005. Service times are provided in seconds.




tylersGrill$arrivalTimes returns the vector of 1434 arrival times.
tylersGrill$serviceTimes returns the vector of 110 service times.


CMSC 326 Simulation course at the University of Richmond, 2005.


interarr <- c(0, diff(tylersGrill$arrivalTimes))
svc      <- tylersGrill$serviceTimes

avgInterarrivalTime <- mean(interarr)
avgServiceTime      <- mean(svc)

# use method of moments to fit gamma to Tyler's Grill service times
aHat <- mean(svc)^2 / var(svc)
bHat <- var(svc) / mean(svc)
hist(svc, freq = FALSE, las = 1, xlab = "service time", ylab = "density")
x <- 1:max(svc)
curve(dgamma(x, shape = aHat, scale = bHat), add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 2)

[Package simEd version 2.0.1 Index]