cal_ActualVapourPressure_for_hourly |
Calculating actual vapour pressure for hourly time step |
cal_ActualVapourPressure_from_dewPoint |
Actual vapour pressure derived from dewpoint temperature |
cal_ActualVapourPressure_from_psychrometricData |
Actual vapour pressure (ea) derived from psychrometric data |
cal_ActualVapourPressure_from_RHmax |
Calculating actual vapour pressure derived from RHmax |
cal_ActualVapourPressure_from_RHmaxAndRHmin |
Actual vapour pressure derived from RHmax and RHmin |
cal_ActualVapourPressure_from_RHmean |
Calculating actual vapour pressure derived from RHmean |
cal_afterRedistribution |
Calculating the volumetric water content after redistribution |
cal_airVaporPressureDeficit_meanCanopyflow |
Calculating air vapor pressure deficit at the mean canopy |
cal_angerFromSouth |
Calculating anger from south |
cal_atmosphericPressure |
Calculating atmospheric pressure |
cal_bulkBoundaryLayerResistance |
Calculating bulk boundary layer resistance |
cal_canopyPenetrationProbabilityForNetRadiation |
The canopy penetration probability for net radiation |
cal_canopyResistance |
Calculating canopy resistance |
cal_canopyTem |
Calculating canopy temperature |
cal_capillaryRise |
Calculating capillary rise |
cal_cropRoughnessLength |
Calculating the crop roughness length |
cal_daylightHours |
Calculating Daylight hours |
cal_DeepPercolation |
Calculating Deep percolation |
cal_Dei_for_DualKc |
calculating the depletion in the topsoil layer at the end of the day |
cal_DPe_for_DualKc |
Deep percolation loss from the topsoil layer |
cal_DPr_for_DualKc |
Deep percolation loss from the root layer |
cal_DP_for_singleKc |
Calculating deep percolation |
cal_eddyDiffusivity_Canopytop |
Calculating eddy diffusivity at the canopy top |
cal_eddyDiffusivity_heightZ |
Calculating eddy diffusivity at height z |
cal_ET0_from_PM |
calculating reference evapotranspiration from Penman-Monteith method |
cal_ET0_from_PM_for_daily |
Calculating reference evapotranspiration from Penman-Monteith for daily |
cal_ET0_from_PM_for_hourly |
Calculating reference evapotranspiration from Penman-Monteith method for hourly time step |
cal_extraterrestrialRadiation_for_daily |
Calculating extraterrestrial radiation for daily periods |
cal_extraterrestrialRadiation_for_shorter |
Calculating extraterrestrial radiation for hourly or shorter periods |
cal_frictionVelocity |
Calculating friction velocity |
cal_hourAngle |
Calculating hour angle |
cal_inverseRelativeDistance_Earth_sun |
Calculating inverse relative distance Earth-sun |
cal_Kcend_for_singleKc |
Crop coefficient for the end of the late season stage |
cal_Kcini_for_SingleKc |
Calculating Kcini value |
cal_Kcmid_for_singleKc |
Crop coefficient for the mid-season stage |
cal_Kc_max_for_DualKc |
An upper limit on the evaporation and transpiration from any cropped surface |
cal_Kr_for_DualKc |
Dimensionless evaporation reduction coefficient |
cal_latentHeatFluxesForCrop |
Calculating latent heat fluxes for crop |
cal_latentHeatFluxesForSoil |
Calculating latent heat fluxes for soil |
cal_localDolarTime |
Calculating local solar time |
cal_meanCanopyFlowToReferenceLevel |
Calculating mean canopy flow to reference level |
cal_meanSaturationVapourPressure |
Calculating mean saturation vapour pressure |
cal_netLongwaveRadiation |
Calculating net longwave radiation Rnl |
cal_netRadiation |
Calculating net radiation Rn |
cal_netRadiationForCrop |
Calculating net radiation available to the crop |
cal_netRadiationForSoil |
Calculating net radiation available to the soil |
cal_netRadiationForSystem |
Calculating net radiation available to the system(soil and crop) |
cal_netSolarRadiation |
Calculating net solar (shortware radiation) Rns |
cal_percolationForExcessWater |
Calculating percolation for excess water |
cal_psychrometriCconstant |
Calculating psychrometric constant |
cal_reductionFactorForE |
Calculating reduction factor for evaporation |
cal_reductionFactorForT |
calculating reduction factor for transpiration |
cal_relativeHumidity |
Calculating relative humidity |
cal_Rs_from_Na |
Calculating Solar radiation from actual duration of sunshine |
cal_saturationVapourPressure |
Calculating saturation vapour pressure |
cal_sensibleHeatFluxesForCrop |
Calculating sensible heat fluxes for crop |
cal_sensibleHeatFluxesForSoil |
Calaulating sensible heat fluxes for soil |
cal_skySolarRadiation_withas_bs |
Calculating clear sky solar radiation with as and bs |
cal_skySolarRadiation_withas_elevation |
Calculating clear sky solar radiation with elevation |
cal_slopeOfSaturationVapourPressureCurve |
Calculating slope of saturation vapour pressure curve |
cal_soilHeatFlux |
Calculating Soil/ground heat flux |
cal_soilHeatFlux_day |
Calculating soil heat flux(G) for day/ten-day periods |
cal_soilHeatFlux_general |
Calculating soil heat flux (G) for general |
cal_soilHeatFlux_hourly |
Calculating soil heat flux(G) for hourly/shorter periods |
cal_soilHeatFlux_monthly |
Calculating soil heat flux(G) for monthly periods |
cal_soilSurfaceResistance |
Calculating soil surface resistance |
cal_soilSurfaceToMeanCanopyFlow |
Calculating soil surface to mean canopy flow |
cal_solarDeclination |
Calculating solar declination |
cal_solarDeclination_in_FAO |
Calculating solar declination with FAO56 method |
cal_solarInclination |
Calculating solar inclination |
cal_solarRadiation |
Calculating Solar radiation |
cal_sunsetHourAngle |
Calculating sunset hour angle |
cal_sunsetTime |
Calculating the local solar time for sunset/sunrise |
cal_TemMean |
calculating the mean daily air temperature |
cal_TEW_for_DualKc |
calculating total evaporable water |
cal_totalLatentHeatFlux |
Calculating total latent heat flux |
cal_WaterStressCoef |
Calculating water stress coefficient |
cal_windSpeed_Canopy |
Calculating wind speed above and within the canopies. |
cal_zeroPlaneHeight |
Calculating zero plane displacement height |
compare_model_plot |
Show the results of different models |
convert_angert_to_radian |
Converting angert to radian |
convert_Date_to_dayofyear |
Convert date to day of year |
convert_degreesCelsius_to_Fahrenheit |
Convert degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit |
convert_Fahrenheit_to_degreesCelsius |
Convert Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius |
convert_Rad_unit |
Convert radiation unit |
convert_windSpeed_to_2m |
Convert wind speed to the standard of 2m |
create_modelDF |
Create a csv file or a dataframe in R to store the model data |
estimate_ea |
Estimating missing humidity data |
estimate_ET0_with_TmaxAndTmin |
Estimating ET0 with Tmax and Tmin |
estimate_goodnessOfFit |
Calculating the goodness-of-fit indicators between measured and simulated values |
estimate_LAI_for_alfalfa |
Estimate LAI for alfalfa |
estimate_Rs_for_islandLocations |
Estimating solar radiation for island locations |
estimate_Rs_from_airTemDiff |
Estimating solar radiation data derived from air temperature differences |
FIalfalfa |
A example dataset of alfalfa under flood irrigation |
Kcb_adj_for_DualKc |
Adjust the recommended Kc values at the middle and late stages |
linear_interpolation |
linear interpolation for vector |
Model_DualKc |
Simulation of evapotranspiration using dual crop coefficient method |
Model_single_Kc |
Simulation for evapotranspiration using single crop coefficient method |
Model_SW |
Simulation of evapotranspiration using Shuttleworth-Wallace model |
SDIalfalfa |
A example dataset of alfalfa under subsurface drip irrigation |