node_custom {simDAG}R Documentation

Create Your Own Function to Simulate a Root Node, Child Node or Time-Dependent Node


This page describes in detail how to define custom functions to allow the usage of root nodes, child nodes or time-dependent nodes that are not directly implemented in this package. By doing so, users may create data with any functional dependence they can think of.


The number of available types of nodes is limited, but this package allows the user to easily implement their own node types by writing a single custom function. Users may create their own root nodes, child nodes and time-dependent nodes. The requirements for each node type are listed below. Some simple examples for each node type are given further below.

If you think that your custom node type might be useful to others, please contact the maintainer of this package via the supplied e-mail address or github and we might add it to this package.

Root Nodes:

Any function that generates some vector of size nn with n==nrow(data), or a data.frame with as many rows as the current data can be used as a child node. The only requirement is:

Some examples that are already implemented in R outside of this package are rnorm(), rgamma() and rbeta(). The function may take any amount of further arguments, which will be passed through the three-dot syntax.

Child Nodes:

Again, almost any function may be used to generate a child node. Only four things are required for this to work properly:

The function may include any amount of additional arguments specified by the user.

Time-Dependent Nodes:

By time-dependent nodes we mean nodes that are created using the node_td function. In general, this works in essentially the same way as for simple root nodes or child nodes. The requirements are:

Again, any number of additional arguments is allowed and will be passed through the three-dot syntax. Additionally, users may add an argument to this function called sim_time. If included in the function definition, the current time of the simulation will be passed to the function on every call made to it.


Should return either a vector of length nrow(data) or a data.table or data.frame with nrow(data) rows.


Robin Denz




################ Custom Root Nodes ###################

# using external functions without defining them yourself can be done this way
dag <- empty_dag() +
  node("A", type="rgamma", shape=0.1, rate=2) +
  node("B", type="rbeta", shape1=2, shape2=0.3)

## define your own root node instead
# this function takes the sum of a normally distributed random number and an
# uniformly distributed random number
custom_root <- function(n, min=0, max=1, mean=0, sd=1) {
  out <- runif(n, min=min, max=max) + rnorm(n, mean=mean, sd=sd)

dag <- empty_dag() +
  node("A", type="custom_root", min=0, max=10, mean=5, sd=2)

############### Custom Child Nodes ###################

# create a custom node function, which is just a gaussian node that
# includes (bad) truncation
node_gaussian_trunc <- function(data, parents, betas, intercept, error,
                                left, right) {
  out <- node_gaussian(data=data, parents=parents, betas=betas,
                       intercept=intercept, error=error)
  out <- ifelse(out <= left, left,
                ifelse(out >= right, right, out))

# another custom node function, which simply returns a sum of the parents
node_parents_sum <- function(data, parents, betas=NULL) {
  out <- rowSums(data[, parents, with=FALSE])

# an example of using these new node types in a simulation
dag <- empty_dag() +
  node("age", type="rnorm", mean=50, sd=4) +
  node("sex", type="rbernoulli", p=0.5) +
  node("custom_1", type="gaussian_trunc", parents=c("sex", "age"),
       betas=c(1.1, 0.4), intercept=-2, error=2, left=10, right=25) +
  node("custom_2", type="parents_sum", parents=c("age", "custom_1"))

sim_dat <- sim_from_dag(dag=dag, n_sim=100)

########## Custom Time-Dependent Nodes ###############

## example for a custom time-dependent node with no parents
# this node simply draws a new value from a normal distribution at
# each point in time
node_custom_root_td <- function(data, n, mean=0, sd=1) {
  return(rnorm(n=n, mean=mean, sd=sd))

n_sim <- 100

dag <- empty_dag() +
  node_td(name="Something", type="custom_root_td", n=n_sim, mean=10, sd=5)

sim <- sim_discrete_time(dag, n_sim=n_sim, max_t=10)

## example for a custom time-dependent child node
# draw from a normal distribution with different specifications based on
# whether a previously updated time-dependent node is currently TRUE
node_custom_child <- function(data, parents) {
  out <- numeric(nrow(data))
  out[data$other_event] <- rnorm(n=sum(data$other_event), mean=10, sd=3)
  out[!data$other_event] <- rnorm(n=sum(!data$other_event), mean=5, sd=10)

dag <- empty_dag() +
  node_td("other", type="time_to_event", prob_fun=0.1) +
  node_td("whatever", type="custom_child", parents="other_event")

sim <- sim_discrete_time(dag, n_sim=50, max_t=10)

## using the sim_time argument in a custom node function
# this function returns a continuous variable that is simply the
# current simulation time squared
node_square_sim_time <- function(data, sim_time, n_sim) {
  return(rep(sim_time^2, n=n_sim))

# note that we should not actually define the sim_time argument in the
# node_td() call below, because it will be passed internally, just like data
dag <- empty_dag() +
  node_td("unclear", type="square_sim_time", n_sim=100)

sim <- sim_discrete_time(dag, n_sim=100, max_t=10)

[Package simDAG version 0.1.2 Index]